Chapter 186 A Psychiatrist Is Invited

"How to say?" Cheng Guodong was puzzled. In his opinion, his sister didn't become depressed and unhappy because of the Tao family's affairs, and she was able to get out of the depression soon. This is the best.

Qin Xin didn't answer and asked instead: "A normal person, after meeting with his biological parents and relatives, and resolutely refusing to return, will he recover so quickly?"

Cheng Guodong focused on the word "normal person", his eyes froze, and he fell silent.

That's right, let alone a child, even a mature adult cannot recover so quickly!

In fact, six-year-old children are still very passive. Generally, when they encounter such a situation, they will accept their biological parents. What's more, the Tao family has made a lot of effort to get acquainted with her before they met and established a good relationship.

In the face of well-meaning parents, a friendly grandfather, a doting elder brother, and an ordinary six-year-old child, it is absolutely impossible to refuse!Normal people will not refuse!
After deliberating in this way, the result is——Little Taotie, it's not normal!

Cheng Guodong was taken aback by this answer, and looked at Qin Xin in disbelief, wanting to see a different answer from his second brother's eyes.

It's just a pity that what he saw in his second brother's eyes was affirmation, which affirmed his guess.

"She's lively and cute, how could it be..." Abnormal?

Qin Xin lowered her eyes and shook her head: "Think about it, she was abused by her adoptive mother in the mountains, she was beaten or scolded, she was forced to bear a lot of housework at a young age, she was not even allowed to read, and she was always hungry, usually like this Do you think her child will be lively and cute? Her performance was wrong from the beginning!"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Cheng Guodong was silent for a long time, and tentatively asked: "Should I hire a psychiatrist? In fact, I think my sister is not afraid at all when she sees those things, which is different from ordinary people. Maybe she is born with a high spirit and doesn't take anything to heart. It's because we think too much, she's not sick."

"I've already called the doctor."

"Huh? When?"

"When you are silent."

Cheng Guodong helped his forehead: "When will the doctor come?"

"I'll be there in five minutes."

"So fast?"

"Ten times the price."

Cheng Guodong raised his thumb: "The bull is still your bull!"


Little Taotie raised the kite high, this time she ran faster than last time, and she also grasped the skill, and she was able to fly the kite without Hua Jinyan's help.

"Fly so high!" A laugh came.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked over, and saw a man with blond hair, fair skin, and amber eyes walking over.

This is the first time for Little Taotie to see a foreigner, and his eyes are round in surprise, full of curiosity.

Hua Jinyan protected her behind him and looked around vigilantly. He relaxed when he saw Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin coming from another place.

Qin Xin walked over quickly, frowning: "I asked you to wait in the living room, why did you come here!"

The man flicked his bangs and laughed: "It's sunny in the yard, I'll take a walk."

Qin Xin frowned and stared at him, "Be more honest!"

If it weren't for this person's top professional level, no matter how difficult it is to find a better person faster, based on the private friendship with this person, I would have seen through this person's foolishness, and I would definitely not invite him over!
"Fine, fine, I'm sure I'll work hard to collect money!" The man took out a pair of gold-rimmed glasses from his pocket, and the moment he put them on, he seemed to be a different person. And all the foolishness in his body disappeared, and he became calm and reliable, and his eyes became wise and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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