Chapter 1880 Save it for Hua to taste

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to pick it up, caught an empty one, blinked, a little dazed.

Granny Meng seemed to be amused, and laughed, rolling backwards and forwards.

Little Taotie was angry, a golden light appeared in her little hand, the light stayed for a short time, and surrounded her white and tender little hand, as if it was illuminated by warm light, the little hand was warm.

After the light disappeared, Little Taotie grabbed the piece of watermelon with his hands again, this time holding the watermelon firmly.

Granny Meng stopped laughing and nodded with satisfaction: "Compared to the first time, you have improved a lot."

Little Taotie pursed his lips, his little face blushed with embarrassment, and Xiao Li dimple sank slightly.

Meng Po laughed: "What's so embarrassing? Look, my little face is red."

Po Meng stretched out her hand and pinched that white and tender face.

Little Taotie felt a breeze gently caressing his face, but he didn't feel much.

Meng Po narrowed her eyes: "Compared to the first time, you are much rounder."

Little Taotie: "..."

Little Taotie ate the melon silently, took a bite, his big eyes lit up, and his chewing movements accelerated, like a little squirrel.

"Ahh~" Little Taotie took the last bite.

There is even an urge to bite the skin.

She gnawed it cleanly, and she gnawed away all the white between the flesh and the skin of the pink watermelon.

"Tsk, it seems that you, like me, like this kind of melon." Granny Meng's eyes flashed doting, and with a wave of her hand, she generously gave her another piece: "Eat it."

Ma Mian wanted to ask her for a piece, but it was as difficult as heaven, but now Granny Meng has split two pieces.

Little Taotie's little dimple is deeply sunken, looking at Granny Meng with bright eyes, like a cute kitten, well-behaved, cute, big eyes innocent and bright, people can't help but want to suck a mouthful.

Granny Meng also wanted to kiss the cub, but she withdrew halfway.

She is not an ignorant person, she saw that the little girl did not see the looming little mole, and she also knew that not everyone could get close to this little girl.

Seeing that she had finished eating the second piece, Meng Po still stared at herself with unfinished and longing eyes, and rationally told herself that she could not share it with her, but she acted very honestly and gave it to her again.

Granny Meng coughed unnaturally: "It's the last piece."

The little Taotie blinked, looked at the remaining half of the melon, and then looked down at the small piece in his hand, pursed his mouth, but still obediently gave a "hmm", and then tasted it in small bites.

This kind of melon is not very sweet, but has a sweet taste. Because it is not very ripe, it does not have a cottony taste. Every bite is crunchy and full of moisture.

Little Taotie suddenly stopped moving.

Seeing that there was only one mouthful of watermelon left in her hand, Granny Meng twitched her mouth: "What? I don't want to bite it down, and want to save it for the New Year?"

Little Taotie blinked and blinked, and the little milk voice was soft: " it for Hua Jinyan to taste."

"He really wants to thank you. After eating three yuan, he remembered to save a bite for others?"

Little Taotie blushed, struggling: "It's so delicious... I originally wanted to leave half of it for him, but I couldn't hold back..."

The little girl lowered her eyes, with a little self-blame in her eyes, and the little milk said softly, "I'm too greedy..."

Granny Meng's hands were a little itchy, but she couldn't help it, and pinched the little girl's face again.

Little Taotie felt the breeze caress her cheeks, itching, she raised her head to look at Po Meng in a daze.

Po Meng stared uncomfortably: "Eat it, I'll just give you another slice."

(End of this chapter)

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