Chapter 1881 Almost Choked to Death by Melon
Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and her big eyes were full of gratitude. After thinking about it, the little girl felt that she couldn't ask for other people's things for nothing, so she took out her own small pink box.

Open the box, and there is a candy in the box.

It's past midnight and it's a new day, so there are still five candies and five pieces of chocolate out of the box.

When Po Meng saw the box, her eyes flickered, and she said with a smile, "This box is very beautiful."

Little Taotie giggled: "It was given to me by my father in the dream!"

"Dad in the dream? What does it look like?"

Little Taotie scratched his head: "I know what his characters look like."

"Only read the words?"

Little Taotie nodded, and the little milk voice was a little helpless: "It's a barrier, maybe a screen, he may be on the other side of the video, but he refuses to show his face."

This is the best explanation the little girl can think of. Otherwise, how can I explain that the barrier brother will become another person, just like giving a video call to another person to connect, but they can't show their faces, maybe they can only send text messages , is a very old phone.

"You gave it all to me?" Seeing that the little girl gave herself all five candies and five chocolates in the box, Po Meng asked amusedly, "Don't you keep some for yourself? So generous? Don't you regret it?"

Little Taotie was actually a little bit reluctant, but thinking of eating three slices of melons from Granny Meng’s sister and getting one piece to share with Hua Jinyan, she nodded generously: “Give it all to sister!”

"Okay, it's a worthwhile trip for me, and I will come to see you in the future."

"Will you bring melons?"

"Tsk! You don't miss me, you only miss my melon?"

Little Taotie blushed slightly: "I miss you, and miss my sister too!"

"Sweet words!" Granny Meng waved her hand: "I'm leaving, continue to sleep."

When little Taotie opened his eyes again, it was already dawn.

She couldn't tell whether she was in a dream or in reality when she saw Po and Sister Meng last night.

She saw a piece of pink watermelon on the bedside table, she took out the pink box, opened the box upside down, and there were no candies and chocolates left.

Last night seemed like a dream, but it seemed real again, the watermelon was there, the candy and chocolate were gone.

Hua Jinyan knocked on the door: "Are you awake? We have calligraphy class today."

Little Taotie jumped off the bed and went to open the door with bare feet.

Seeing that she was not wearing shoes, Hua Jinyan urged her to hurry up and get her shoes on the bed.

"Okay, okay, just for a while, I won't catch a cold!" Little Taotie took his hand and dragged him into the room, quickly closing the door, mysteriously: "I'll show you something good!"

Having had previous experience, Hua Jinyan asked curiously, "Did the father in your dream give you something again?"

"This time it's not the father in the dream, it's Meng Po and Sister!"

"Could it be soup for you?" Hua Jin said a little nervously.

"I don't want to drink it! It's watermelon, it's delicious, look at it! Dang Dang!" Little Taotie took out a piece of watermelon as if offering a treasure.

Pink pulp, white seeds, exudes a sweet and fresh aroma.

"It's delicious, eat it quickly!"

Hua Jinyan was forced to feed me a mouthful of melon, "I will eat it myself..."

"Eat quickly, there is only one piece, if the third brother sees that I don't give it to him, he will be angry!"

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door.

Little Taotie asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, your third brother!" Gu Yixing replied with a smile.

Little Taotie was startled, what a coincidence, why did the third brother come here!

"Hurry up, hurry up, eat quickly!" The little gluttonously stuffed the watermelon into Hua Jinyan's mouth.

Hua Jin said: "Ugh..." I was about to choke to death!

(End of this chapter)

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