Chapter 1886 Blurred face photo

The transfer student wanted to get more information about Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan from Xiaopang's mouth, so he didn't refuse and agreed to let him take a photo.

Xiaopang is a photographer who loves photography, and the equipment he uses is also a very professional single-board camera.

When Xiaopang returned home, he excitedly talked to his mother about the transfer student.

"It's an aloof one, you like it!"

The little chubby mother touched her lower abdomen: "Is the main thing thin?"

Xiaopang was depressed: "Mom, do you think I'm too fat, so you don't want a cute little sister like Xiao Taotie, but you want to give me a skinny little sister?"

The smile on the chubby mother's face stiffened, she was very embarrassed, "Ahem..."

"Hmph! I knew it was like this, don't try to cover it up with a cough! I've seen through you!" Xiaopang said angrily, "Little Taotie is so cute, Xiaoliwo is sweet, and the fleshy face looks like Soft..."

Xiaopang's face was pinched: "How can your face be soft?"

"Dad, let go of your hand, it hurts!" Xiaopang was forced to grin, and when he spoke, his saliva was about to flow down.

Xiaopang flew into the air, and was hugged by his father, "Don't worry, when your mother gives birth to a younger sister, father will still love you the most, and father likes round ones!"

Xiaopang's mother took Xiaopang's camera and left: "I'll go see what your beautiful female classmate looks like!"

"Mom, don't run away, you haven't answered my question directly!"

The chubby mother gave the chubby father a look and told him to hug her son tightly, and then she escaped smoothly.

The chubby mother gave the camera to the nanny. The nanny learned a lot of skills at their house, including the ability to print photos from the hostess. She entered the special room for printing photos and soon took a photo. Out.

Her expression was a little weird.

The chubby mother wondered: "What's the matter, is there something wrong with the photo?"

"The photos are blurry and I can't see clearly."

"How could it be? Xiaopang's photography skills are pretty good now." Xiaopang's mother took the photo and glanced at it. The little girl's face in the photo was blurred, as if a strong wind was just blowing past, or the person who took the photo suddenly had Parkinson's disease , so the whole face is blurred.

Little fat mother: "Is there anything else, just this one?"

"No more." The nanny spread her hands.


Xiao Taotie and the three Gu Yixing appeared on a variety show. The content of the show was about big detectives. The guests teamed up to solve the case and find out the truth. Every case is very meaningful and has some early warning effects. Finally, it will tell the audience how to avoid some dangers and how to protect themselves and their families with legal means.

This is a very meaningful program, and it is also very suitable for the family to sit down and watch together. The method of the program is quite new, and the whole process is live broadcast.

It can be broadcast live on TV, not on the Internet. This is a very eye-catching program, so when the program started, many viewers clicked on the TV, or tuned to this channel and stayed.

Xiao Taotie is now a well-known little star, a national treasure, and many aunts, uncles, grandparents and grandpas watch this kind of trendy detective program because of their cubs.

When the show started, it was a murder case.

And all the guests present are considered present, and the case took place in a hotel.

They were left behind by the police.

The police asked what they were doing at the time and whether they had been to the top floor.

Little Glutton replied: "I eat cake in the hall and listen to my pretty sister playing the piano."

(End of this chapter)

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