Chapter 1887 alibi

A small box appeared on the upper left corner of the TV screen, it was Xiao Taotie who had just arrived at the hotel, she was dangling her feet at the small bar in the hotel lobby, eating strawberry cake.

There is a black piano in the center of the hall, and a temperamental girl in a white dress is playing the piano.

Little Taotie did not lie.

But the staff member who played the role of the policeman did not let her go like this, but pointed to the surveillance video and asked, "You left in 10 minutes."

"I didn't come back until forty minutes. During this time, where did you go? What did you do?"

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while: "I went to the bathroom once."

"The bathroom is not monitored, and it does not prove your absence."

Little Taotie felt that the policeman was embarrassing him.

If it wasn't until this was a show, the little girl would have already produced her certificate from the special department.

Little Taotie pursed his mouth and said in a muffled voice, "But I just went to the bathroom."

Gu Yixing knocked on the door anxiously: "Why haven't you recovered yet? How long are you going to ask!"

The police opened the door, Gu Yixing saw Xiao Taotie's small face feeling wronged, knew that she must have been embarrassed, and immediately pointed to the staff and asked, "Are you embarrassing her?"

"Sir, please don't be irritable. We are just a routine. We didn't embarrass her. We just asked a few questions that must be asked."

Gu Yixing ignored him, but squatted down and asked Little Taotie: "Sister, did they make things difficult for you?"

The little Taotie sighed, and the little man seemed a little helpless: "I went to the bathroom, but they said that the bathroom is not monitored, so it doesn't mean I wasn't there."

Gu Yixing was furious, stood up and glared fiercely at the staff.

"There is no monitoring in the bathroom, so there is no monitoring on the way to the bathroom? Are you joking? Are you suspecting that a little girl killed someone? You must know that the deceased was at least two hundred catties——"

The policeman interrupted him: "You want to say that the deceased is two hundred catties, which is not something a little girl can handle?"

Another policeman lowered his voice: "She is different, not an ordinary little girl."

"Don't talk to me about this. Even if she has the strength to deal with a strong man of two hundred catties, it doesn't mean she will do that! We don't know the deceased at all! Tell me first, if the surveillance camera on the way to the bathroom has caught him My sister!"

"This..." The two policemen looked at each other.

Gu Yixing raised his voice: "Answer me!"

The policeman lowered his voice, looking quite embarrassed: "I shouldn't have told you, but the monitoring along the way has malfunctioned, and all the content within an hour has been lost."

"This is your problem, not my sister's problem! It is you who should investigate and restore the surveillance video, instead of embarrassing my sister here!"

Gu Yixing took Xiao Taotie's hand and left.

"You can't leave yet!" A policeman blocked the way.

"What? You still want to embarrass the child?" Gu Yixing was on the verge of fury.

The policeman said awkwardly: "She can leave, but you can't. You haven't told us where you have been and what you have done during this time."

"Heh, are you interrogating me now?"

"That's not the case. I hope you can cooperate with us."

Little Taotie tugged on Gu Yixing's sleeve before he wanted to hit someone, and whispered, "Third brother, cooperate with them, they are also for work."

When Gu Yixing faced the little Taotie, he became amiable.

He looked at the two policemen coldly: "At the time of the crime, I had a meeting on the third floor of the hotel. There were eight people present, and 20 people participated in the video conference. You can ask them one by one to see if it is possible for me to kill someone. "

(End of this chapter)

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