Chapter 1898 Zai Zai Was Picked Up
【Originally, I didn't panic. After all, she was a national treasure last year, but now that you say that, I panic! 】

[It's all to blame for this broken show. If it weren't for this show, it might be a secret that Zai Zai is a national treasure, and Zai Zai can still play in the entertainment circle without any worries. 】

[Zai Zai's main job is a public official, and his side job is the entertainment industry, Zai Zai, now it's over, his vest is blown, and he definitely can't play in the entertainment industry anymore! 】

[Will be summoned by the country, and then be secretly protected? 】

Some netizens guessed it right.

That night, Xiao Taotie was picked up by a low-key black car with a license plate ending in 888.

Besides Xiao Taotie, there was also a little boy in the car, it was Hua Jinyan.

At the moment in the villa, the elder brothers, the Tao family, and Hua Jinyan's parents all looked solemn and depressed.

They know that these two children are special, and the country will take them away sooner or later, and will focus on protecting and nurturing them.

It's just that they have always thought that they have to wait until their children graduate from middle school, at least until they are 15 years old.

But everything came too fast.

"How did things become like this?" Cheng Guodong whispered wearily.

Gu Yixing patted himself hard: "It's all my fault. If I didn't bring my sister to participate in this show, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

Cheng Guodong said hoarsely: "It's my decision-making that went wrong. I shouldn't be on this show."

Qin Xin: "Don't blame yourself, this is not a bad thing."

All eyes turned to Qin Xin.

Qin Xin was not nervous when she was stared at by so many eyes, but said slowly: "What some netizens said is still very reasonable. The female university has changed at eighteen. When she grows up and walks on the road, others will think out of her."

"What are you talking about?" Chen Guodong was puzzled.

Qin Xin said patiently: "My younger sister became famous too early, and her reputation abroad surpasses her domestic reputation. It may not be a good thing for her. Now that she is a child star, there are not many paparazzi following her, because they know that children cannot What scandal can be hyped up, when she grows up later? Being stared at by so many people, those foreign paparazzi will be even more annoying, and false reports will be flying all over the sky, which will make her feel uncomfortable."

Gu Yixing felt deeply: "Indeed."

Qin Xin: "Now she disappears when she is the most popular. She is like a legend in the entertainment industry. Wait, how many people will be able to see the shadow of childhood from her face? The girl will change at eighteen, and the younger sister will change a lot by then Now, who can recognize her? She will be free, living in the entertainment industry is actually very tiring."

Cheng Guodong was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Actually, since I tore up the contract with the black-hearted company, I don't want her to be in the entertainment industry anymore. It is she who wants to make more people like her, so she works hard in the entertainment industry. It has been done, and many, many people already like her, and it is time to quit this circle."


Little Taotie didn't understand: "Hua Jinyan, where are we going? When can we go home, I miss my brother a little bit."

"The car has only been driving for an hour, and you miss your brother?" the driver asked with a smile.

Little Taotie pursed his lips: "I'm a little flustered."

Hua Jinyan held her hand tightly, and said softly, "We are going to learn our skills, and we will be able to come back when we are finished."

Little Taotie was at a loss: "Then when will I be able to learn something, and what skill will I learn?"

The driver said softly, "You'll know when you arrive, don't be afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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