Chapter 1899 There are many peers
This is a school, the school is very big, like a university campus, but the students here are all young children from all over the world.

"The children here are all specially recruited, and some are already special forces and naturalized." The driver said.

Little Taotie was surprised.

"Are there many people of our age?" Hua Jinyan asked.

The driver smiled mysteriously: "Of course."

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan glanced at each other, they didn't expect to meet their peers here.

They are taken to the playground.

The playground of this school is very large, with many trainers, more like a training ground for troops.

Xiao Taotie looked around and saw many people of his own age, and some were older, but they should not exceed 15 years old.

"You are considered young, and you will be assigned to a class with more abacus geniuses, and abacus geniuses are all younger."

"Abacus genius?" Little Taotie blinked.

The driver smiled and made an abacus, "Don't underestimate Huaguo's abacus, it is very useful."

Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan were brought to a class, and there was the sound of crackling plans in this class.

Little Taotie probed his head and took a look inside.

The children inside were all too serious, and no one was distracted to see her.

As the driver said, each one is very young.

The driver smiled and said, "The youngest is one year younger than you."

Little Taotie was surprised: "Your younger than me?"

"It's also a little girl, Luo Luo, a young abacus genius." The driver beckoned the two of them to go inside, smiling, "I'm sorry to bother you, I'll introduce two new companions to you."

Everyone stopped their contemplation.

Someone looked over curiously, and when they saw Little Taotie, someone recognized her.

"It's Little Glutton!"

"It's the Little Mermaid!"

"It's the little glutton of the Demon Control Bureau!"

It seems that although these children are geniuses, they are not deprived of entertainment time, and they usually watch TV a lot.

Little Taotie was a little embarrassed, and blushed: "Everyone knows me... Hello everyone, I am Little Taotie, and we will be classmates from now on!"

"It's colleagues!" A little girl stood up, and said in a childish voice, "Little Taotie, we will be colleagues in the future. We have money to get it. Studying here is considered training, and we are paid for it! Hee hee Hee... I'm already a little rich woman with wealth and freedom!"

The driver laughed out loud: "Little Taotie, this is the youngest Luo Luo in this class."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lou Luo. You can just call me Luo Luo. I'm one year younger than you, but you can also call me sister, hehehe..."

Little Taotie and Xiaoli slumped, their brows and eyes curved: "Hello, Sister Luoluo!"

The corner of Luoluo's mouth twitched: "Hey, when can I be a big sister!"

Driver: "Hua Jinyan, please introduce yourself to everyone."

Hua Jinyan stood on the podium and opened his mouth: "Hua Jinyan."

Driver: "...a little cold boy."

Little Taotie hooked Hua Jinyan's shoulders and added for him: "This is my boy. Hua Hua looks cold, but he is very gentle and warm. Don't be fooled by him!"

Hua Jin said: "..."

The driver smiled and said, "You guys came together, so sit together. There are vacancies in the second row and the last row, so you can choose."

Little Taotie decisively chose the last row.

Hua Jinyan frowned: "It's too far behind, can you see the blackboard clearly?"

Little Taotie giggled: "I haven't sat in the last row yet, let's experience it~"

(End of this chapter)

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