Chapter 1900 Dormitory roommate Xiao Luoluo

This school is a full-time dormitory, and there are classes on weekends, and they cannot go back. They can only go back during summer and winter vacations, but it is not the same as the system of two months of summer vacation and one month of winter vacation for outside students, but each has ten days.

That is, ten days of summer vacation and ten days of winter vacation.

It is more similar to the annual leave of office workers.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan were separated, boys had boys' dorms, and girls had girls' dormitories.

Children over the age of ten can choose a room for one person or a room for two people. Children under the age of ten have no right to choose, and they always share a dormitory for two people.

Little Taotie and Luo Luo are the two youngest girls in the class, so they were assigned to the same room.

Luoluo cheered and hugged Xiao Taotie: "Sister mermaid, tell me, is it fun to be a star, and do you have a lot of delicious food?"

Little Taotie stroked Luo Luo's hair like a big sister: "Luo Luo, why do you have so little hair?"

Luo Luo sadly said: "You don't know, I was born with, oh, my father, my grandpa, my uncle, all of them are bald, I another ten years, I will be almost the same! But my mother said , This is called extremely smart, only smart people have short hair."

Little Taotie took out a pack of shrimp crackers from the bag: "Here you eat, this is made by my grandfather."

Xiao Taotie likes to eat shrimp crackers, but the shrimp crackers on the outside are all puffed food. Some conscientious ones put a little shrimp, and those who are unconscionable have no real shrimp meat, and they are not even willing to put some powder made from shells.

So Tao Mo took great pains to let his good granddaughter eat a good and nutritious one, so he bought the shrimp himself, dried it in the sun, and then ground it into powder to make it a real no additive, pure natural shrimp cracker.

Little Taotie seldom shared, and even the little Ganoderma lucidum was only divided into two packs.

Being able to give it to Luo Luo as soon as we meet, that is really liking this little sister Luo Luo very much.

Little Taotie looked at the top of Luoluo's sparse head, on which was a beautiful flower of seven colors.

A flower has seven petals, and each petal is a different color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, dyeing the rainbow on the petals, and there are little shimmering pollen on the petals, like one by one shining around the flower Fireflies, very beautiful and healing.

"Wow! It's so crispy, so fresh, so delicious!" Luo Luo is a little greedy cat. He has already opened it up and started eating it eagerly. He couldn't stop eating one after another.

It was about to bottom out, and she immediately covered the bag, "I can't eat it, there's not much left, I'm going to hide it and eat it at night!"

Little Taotie covered his mouth and laughed.

"Sister Taotie, is there any more?" Luo Luo winked, "Can you sell me a little bit, I'm a little rich woman!"

Little Taotie generously took out a bag and gave it to her: "It doesn't cost money, but it's not much, so you should eat sparingly."

"Okay! I'm hiding this bag, hehehe, you're so kind! Wait a minute!" Luoluo hid the shrimp crackers in the snack box under the bed, took out two boxes of cookies from the box and handed them to Little Glutton: "This is a cookie that my mother and I baked together, try it!"

Little Taotie opened the iron box and saw pieces of cookies of different shapes.

There are little yellow ducks, little rabbits, sunflowers, and cat heads...

Although they are all crooked, but you can see what they are, which is quite good.

Little Taotie took a piece in the shape of a Christmas tree, took a bite, and ate cranberries, which were full of milk flavor. She gave a thumbs up: "It's delicious! It's amazing!"

Luo Luoyang was proud: "I am the best, hehehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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