Chapter 1910 It seems that I have learned to lie

"I'm lying to you."

Little Taotie was furious: "How could you do this!"

"I'm cheating on you."

Little Taotie frowned angrily, his big eyes were full of accusations.

"Your eyes are beautiful, but they are not cold enough, nor fierce enough, and not lethal."

Little Taotie: " are worse than the uncle in the dormitory!"

"Oh? How did you see it?"

"The uncle in the dormitory is bad in the open, and you are bad in the dark."

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

The aunt in the dormitory played with the pink box: "Since you are here, let me teach you the first lesson and learn something practical."

"I was just testing you just now, to see if my guess is correct."


"I see that you have been reluctant to touch the box for a long time. I guess there is something in the box. It may appear after you touch it. But after all, this is just a guess, and I don't have much confidence."

Little Taotie exclaimed: "So you take a step back and see if I will take it after putting the lid on!"

"It seems that you don't read detective novels in vain." The aunt in the dormitory nodded: "That's true. I fooled you just to see your behavior and judge whether I guessed right from your behavior. The answer is that I guessed right Isn't it?"

Little Taotie was too eager to reach out for it before.

Therefore, the guess of the aunt in the dormitory was verified, as long as the box was opened and touched by the little Taotie, something would appear in the box.

The aunt in the dormitory smiled: "Since I have seen through your secret, shouldn't you perform it for me, changing things with empty hands?"

Little Taotie pursed his lips and held back for a long time before muttering: "I can do magic."

"Hey, it seems that I have learned to lie, but it is too late."

Little Taotie stared angrily.

"Your big watery eyes are useless for staring at people. You must learn how to use your eyes in the future."

"With eyes?"

"Using your eyes well is also a skill."

"Just like an actor, the eyes of a person with good acting skills will also change due to the performance, from bright to dull, from full of hope to indifferent and deep?" Little Taotie asked.

"It seems that you like acting very much. Now you can't go to act. Do you feel a little sad?"

Little Taotie lowered his head: "A little bit."

"Don't worry, the acting skills learned here are much more practical than those vain people in the entertainment industry." The aunt in the dormitory lowered her voice: "Every performance is a matter of life and death. Once the acting skills are poor and flaws are exposed, You could lose your life anytime."

Little Taotie was at a loss: "Why?"

"Have you participated in the mission of the special department before?"

Little Taotie nodded.

"You have already learned how to pinch bones, so you should have been an undercover agent too?"

"Undercover?" Little Taotie shook his head: "I went abroad to participate in the Big Eater Competition."

Aunt in the dormitory: "..."

She chuckled slightly: "It seems that the special department has protected you very well, so that's fine, you can learn from scratch."

"Is the undercover agent the one shown in TV dramas?" Xiao Taotie tilted his head and asked, his eyes full of curiosity.

The aunt in the dormitory sighed: "Forget it, let your instructor teach you this."

Her eyes looked in one direction.

It was Luo Luo who came with a female instructor.

The female instructor has a serious expression and looks very cold.

But when he arrived in front of the aunt in the dormitory, he showed a bright and ingratiating smile: "Auntie, do you have a lot of fried rice?"

The aunt in the dormitory gave her a blank stare, "Go and get it yourself, do you want me to hand it to you?"

"Hey, thank you, auntie!" The instructor rubbed his hands in a rather doggy way: "Your cooking is the best in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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