Chapter 1911 Bring something delicious first

Little Taotie took back the pink crystal box, but now her eyes were a little out of focus, staring blankly at the female instructor who was eating raw fried food.

Except for sister Yuanyuan, she is the most edible and beautiful sister I have ever seen.

"It's not your place to stare at me!" The female instructor waved her hand: "You two go out to play."

Little Luo Luo grabbed the dazed little Taotie and ran out: "Hurry up, I've brought everything back, what are you doing with it!"

Little Taotie was dragged away, and when she arrived at the playground, she was stunned again.

Hua Jinyan's hair was already wet with sweat, but he was still running with a heavy load.

On the back are... big tires!

Little Taotie shook his head, making sure that he was not dreaming, and hurriedly ran over to keep up with Hua Jinyan.

"Are you exercising?" she asked suspiciously.

Hua Jinyan smiled wryly: "That's right."

"Oh, it's tough." An unfriendly voice came from the tree.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked up at the same time, and saw the uncle in the dormitory lying on the branch.

Hua Jinyan's eyes darkened: "There is a hanged ghost on this tree."

Little Taotie blinked, and wanted to say no, but thought of something, and changed his words: "Yes, the one with a long tongue, black eye circles, and black and red smoke coming out of the whole body, it is a ghost!"

Uncle in the dormitory: "..."

It is written in the information that the two children can see supernatural beings.

But... how do you feel like you're lying?
The uncle in the dormitory bite the bullet and continued to lie on the branch of the tree, raising his chin: "I'm not here to stare at you, who knows if you will run less! Hanging ghosts is nothing, I am not afraid at all, I will die in my hands There are so many dead souls here, if ghosts could really hurt me, I would have died long ago!"

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked at each other.

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes and continued to run silently.

For atheists, or those who have no taboos, it is indeed difficult to be intimidated. It is useless to say more, and it is a waste of words.

Little Taotie trotted to catch up: "Why do you listen to him, don't run away!"

Before Hua Jinyan could answer, the uncle in the dormitory on the tree branch laughed: "He wants to be a hero."

"Hero?" Little Taotie didn't know why.

"You haven't been taught a lesson, have you?" the uncle in the dormitory suddenly asked.

Little Taotie touched the pink crystal box in his pocket.

I was not beaten or scolded, and my things were brought back.

She didn't know why, so she let herself go so easily, as if she didn't care about pretending to be a boy and going to the boys' dormitory.

"Don't you understand?" The uncle in the dormitory pointed to Hua Jinyan: "This kid has already carried it, so if you are fine, he will be fine."

"Can you make it clearer!" Little Taotie was a little anxious.

Hua Jinyan had already run out half a circle, and the little Taotie came back under the tree, looked up and stared at him fiercely.

It looks like a little milk cat with its baby teeth bared and its claws waving, but its pink and tender pads are exposed. It has no lethality, but it is quite cute.

The uncle in the dormitory pretended to yawn, closed his eyes, and stopped answering.

"Hey! Big bastard!"


The uncle in the dormitory squinted at her and said, "Is this how you ask questions?"

Little Taotie: "..."

"Bring something delicious first. I haven't had breakfast yet, so I don't have the energy to answer your question."

A basket is lowered from a tree by a rope.

Little Taotie: "..."

Never seen such a brazen villain!
"No food?" Seeing her not moving for a long time, the uncle in the dormitory said impatiently, "Then don't bother me to sleep."

Little Taotie reluctantly took out a bag of small twists from his pocket, and slowly put them into the basket.

(End of this chapter)

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