Chapter 1929 Iron Sister Tragedy VIII

Little Taotie was shocked again, and was so shocked that he opened his small mouth, revealing his white teeth, and his small appearance was a little silly.


Uncle Guichai sighed: "There are too many such things. People who died in the dark didn't know the truth until they died, and then they reincarnated again with the love in their hearts. I thought it was love at first sight, but in fact it was because I kept it in my heart in my previous life and never erased it, so I have this kind of love in this life."

"Is your lord judge afraid that she will fall in love with this person again in the next life? Did her husband kill her for the third time?" Little Taotie seemed to have heard something ridiculous, his big eyes were full of doubts and bewilderment about the unknown, and he tilted his head. Question: "She didn't find out in three lifetimes. The real culprit who killed her was her husband? Stupid for three lifetimes?"

"Yeah, some people, once they identify a person, they don't see it with their own eyes, they don't think through it thoroughly, they will be so stupid after many reincarnations." Uncle Guicha shook his head: "I have seen people who are stupider than her. .”

Little Taotie looked at him with curious eyes, waiting for him to continue.

Uncle Guicha sighed quietly: "That idiot, the seventh life died at the hands of the same person's reincarnation, but he still loved him with all his heart, and the eighth life blocked the knife for the other party, and he died again. They are all regular visitors to our underworld. "

"For her, 20 years is enough for her to grow from a baby to an adult, but for us in the underworld, the years are so long, what is 20 years, just blinking, seeing acquaintances again, and being in the best place Years are dead."

"Her eight lives were very short, and she died because of one person, but she was still determined. I am afraid that she will be stupid in the ninth life. I guess it won't be long before I see her again. She is already a famous ghost in the underworld. "

"Later, she escaped the inevitable death time and time again, grew up stumbling, and met that unlucky man. This time, the man had a conscience and found that he didn't kill her, but he had too many enemies. In the end, she blocked the knife for him, and once again Die because of him."

"I have nothing to do. If you want to hear it, I will tell you about her eighth life."

Uncle Guicha moved his ears, heard Xiao Taotie's murmur, shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows, maybe it will be a good death, maybe it won't be a good end, anyway, it's not the real end, after all, she will have her tenth life."

Uncle Guicha floated into the car and sat on the car seat like a living person, but in fact he was still floating three centimeters away from the parking space.

"In this life, what's her name?" Little Taotie asked.

"Tie Yuting." Uncle Guicha thought for a while, it was not bad, this person is already a celebrity, although the names of the ninth generation are different, but it is still easy to remember.

Little Taotie nodded dumbly, and muttered in a low voice: "In the eighth world, she blocked the sword for him, will he be moved, will the ninth life be different, I hope she can have a good ending, don't be short-lived anymore, Maybe... maybe the Ninth World can die well."

Lu Yuan drove away from this school-like training camp, Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan were sitting in the back seat of the car, and Uncle Guicha was floating on the roof.

Uncle Guicha laughed: "Okay, don't be in a daze, these are far away from you! Go, go and find your Uncle Tie first!"

Uncle Guicha sighed: "It's rare to see such a person who gains merit by picking up leaks. It's really lucky to be reincarnated in the eighth life, but because she died unexpectedly in every life, a lot of merit was reduced. The birth will get worse and worse, and the eighth life will be even worse. Her parents died in a car accident. Because she was adopted by her uncle and aunt, she could not go to the orphanage, and her uncle and aunt did not really want to adopt her, but for The inheritance and insurance money left by her parents, and the couple also conspired to let her die silently, so that everything would become theirs as it should be."

"The third generation is the daughter of a petty official with outstanding talents and looks. She went to the outside of the Great Wall by way of marriage, in exchange for a hundred years of peace without war."

Little Taotie opened his small mouth, and after a long time, the little man was about to turn into a little idiot.

Uncle Guicha curled his lips: "That unlucky man has a conscience. He built hundreds of Hope Primary Schools in her name, helped many orphans in her name, and donated all his wealth in her name after his death. In general, these merits are enough for her to be reincarnated as a human being, and she is once again blessed with merits, and the birth of the ninth life is not too bad, because many elementary schools were built in her name in the previous life, and her parents are both elementary school teachers in this life. , can be regarded as a warm and harmonious family environment, it depends on whether she will go blind and provoke that unlucky man again."

"The fourth generation is the eldest daughter of a scholarly family. Her family is in decline, and she supports her younger siblings with good calligraphy. She died unexpectedly, but her three younger brothers are all very promising. The eldest brother is a generation of virtuous ministers. Carpenter crafts, built a large ship, which was beneficial to the war situation at that time, the third brother became a great Confucianism, and taught many talents with both ability and political integrity. If she hadn't raised them, these three people would have died long ago, so these merits are also counted in her. "

"In the first life, he was a relative of the emperor. He was willing to do good deeds and did a lot of good deeds. He was naturally reincarnated as a human being. However, because of his untimely death, the status of his birth in the second life was not as good as in the first life."

"Can she be reincarnated as a human in every life?"

"She's lucky."

"The second life is a daughter of the Xiangfu. After her death, her mother set up a memorial tablet for her, built a temple, and did a lot of good deeds in her name. I only hope that her next life will be smooth."

"In the fifth life, she became the pig butcher's daughter. At that time, the environment was in turmoil. His father had no sons, so he could only serve as a military service. Generally, those who went to the battlefield at this age were vanguards, and it was impossible for them to come back alive. She took over her father's pig-killing knife and became a pig-killing woman. She was very tough, so she couldn't get married. Later, her father made contributions in the battlefield and became a deputy general. Her status also rose. The daughter of the craftsman became the daughter of the deputy general, and later the emperor bestowed a marriage on her, and she married a relative of the emperor."

"The seventh world, it was even more unfortunate to be born. The mother died as soon as she was born. She died of dystocia. The father was patriarchal. When he saw that it was a daughter, he threw her on the road and almost froze to death. She was rescued and sent to the orphanage, and her life in the orphanage was not very good, but fortunately she had a talent for painting, and later became a designer. Although she didn't earn much, she was able to support herself. There was an earthquake in the city, and she saved three children, but one of her legs was crushed and disabled, and she has been disabled since then. Fortunately, she does not need legs to do design, and she still has food and clothing without losing her job. Later, she died because of her The three rescued children are very promising, all of them have become entrepreneurs, and a foundation was established after her, and she has also gained a lot of merit in this life, so she has the opportunity to be reincarnated as a human in the eighth life."

Little Taotie was full of sympathy, and the little milk voice was filled with tears: "She didn't do good things in this life, is she still reincarnated as a human in the ninth life? Was she born worse or worse?"

"The birth of the sixth generation began to get worse. She was born in a gambler's house, and the family was poor. Her father was drunk and pushed her mother to death by mistake. Her father was arrested and imprisoned. She became an orphan. At that time, the children in the village became Orphans eat a lot of food. If they can survive, they will live. If they can’t survive, no one will care. She survived and waited until his father was released from prison. His father met many people in prison. A security company is doing well, but she has a estrangement from her father because of her mother's death. His father doesn't know how to ease the relationship with her as a daughter. He just gives her money. She thinks the money It is not clean, so I donate it every time, so donating a lot of money is considered a good deed.”

"What happened after that?" Little Taotie sweated for this young lady, it was so miserable, the whole life was worse than the last.

"Uncle Guicha, can you tell me why the person who blocked the knife in the eighth life can be reincarnated as a human being in every life?"

Little Taotie read aloud: "Tie Yuting."

Lu Yuan, who was driving, stepped on the brake and applied an emergency brake.

Little Taotie almost fell headlong, but was stopped by Hua Jinyan, who angrily said, "How did you drive!"

Lu Yuan suddenly turned his head and stared at Xiao Taotie: "How do you know the name of Old Tie Sister? He told you when he was drunk?"

(End of this chapter)

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