Chapter 1930 I still met the unlucky man

Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes were blank, and the little milk voice was innocent: "Uncle Tie didn't say that, it was Uncle Ghost who said it—" Little Taotie's eyes froze for a moment, and his pupils rounded in disbelief: "Tie Yu Is Ting Uncle Tie's younger sister? Is it the VIII stupid sister?"

"Yes, this is the name of Lao Tie's younger sister. She has been missing for eight years. What kind of stupid sister, do you know her and where is she?" Lu Yuan's voice became urgent.

"Uncle Guicha told me..."

Little Taotie recounted what Uncle Guicha told her.

After listening to Tie Yuting's "Legend" of the eighth life, Lu Yuan seemed to have listened to a heavenly scripture and was lost in thought for a long time.

"Are they the same person?" Little Taotie asked weakly.

Lu Yuan sighed softly: "It's almost the same, Lao Tie's parents were indeed elementary school teachers before their death."

Uncle Guicha added on the side: "Yes, yes, yes, Tie Yuting VIII does have an older brother, but he went to the army very early, and he only goes home once a year or two for the New Year, and usually leaves on the same day, etc. , I'll check again..."

Uncle Guicha took out his small notebook and began to read one by one.

The corner of Hua Jinyan's mouth twitched.

The pages of the book that seemed to be only a dozen or so pages were turned over and over again. Twenty or thirty pages had already passed, and even hundreds of pages were turned through by visual inspection. There were still pages, which seemed endless.

Little Taotie was dumbfounded.

Hua Jin said: "Uncle Tie and Sister Tie were detained by their saviors to repay their debts, so they disappeared for eight years."

The destination is Jiangxi, which shows that the first keyword of Luyuan did not deceive the two children. It is indeed on a mountain, but it is not at the top of the mountain, but at the bottom of the mountain.

Uncle Guicha stopped his hand, "This is the page, let me take a closer look."

Little Taotie was dumbfounded.

Uncle Ghost Escort closed his notebook and sighed: "It's in the hands of an unlucky man again, she's really miserable."

"That's right, there is an older brother who didn't go to the army, but was trained secretly by the state. Because he left home at a young age, his parents had a second child, which was also allowed by the state. After all, at that time family planning, Under normal circumstances, a second child is not allowed."

Hua Jinyan added: "I met that person from the previous seventh life again."

Little Taotie pursed her lips: "I don't know what to say, but I just feel that my silly sister is miserable."

Lu Yuan asked: "What did he say?"

"Huh? It was because her brother's enemy came to her family that something happened to her family. Her parents died tragically, and she was also taken away and disappeared."

Lu Yuan: "...Is he an old iron enemy?"

Little Taotie repeated Uncle Guicha's words to Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan was immediately excited and asked anxiously: "Is it the enemy? Who is it! Where is she now?"

Lu Yuan stepped on the gas pedal, helplessly: "I hope Lao Tie is fine."

Lu Yuan urged: "What did he say?"

After Xiao Taotie recounted it, he was puzzled: "Silly sister was rescued, why did she still disappear?"

Hua Jinyan glared at Guichai.

Uncle Guicha shook his head: "No, that enemy drove too fast and hit the car of the unlucky man halfway. The unlucky man found the girl who was tied up in the back seat of the car and rescued him."

"Ah..." Lu Yuan was also speechless.

Hua Jin said: "Let's go to Uncle Tie first. About his sister, after you find Uncle Tie, ask Uncle Tie how to deal with it."

Uncle Guicha: "The unlucky man thought she was cute and said he was her savior, so he forcibly kept her to repay his favor. Cough cough, it's the kind of promise."

"This is where Lao Tie's body was found. It is a headless corpse with the same body and physical signs as Lao Tie."

"So you conclude that Uncle Tie is dead?" Hua Jinyan frowned.

"Yes." Lu Yuan said in a deep voice, "I applied for another investigation, but was suppressed. I suspect..."

He closed his mouth, but his eyes were very deep at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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