Chapter 193 Why Did You Kill Her?

After voting by the public jury, Xiao Taotie, Amanda, and Luo Lili were assigned to a group of performances.

There is no script, and the three of them improvise and improvise.

Prep time three 10 minutes.

Xiao Taotie was sent to a room by the staff, opened the door, and Luo Lili and Amanda were already sitting inside. The staff turned an hourglass on the table inside the room and told them that the hourglass was 10 minutes. Back on stage.

Luo Lili waved her hand impatiently and drove the staff away.

As soon as the staff left, Luo Lili took the lead and said directly: "Little thing, although you have gained some fame, you are the youngest here, you have to listen to us, you can act whatever we ask you to do, let us You can say what lines you say, do you hear me?"

Little Taotie just stared at her eyebrows, but didn't answer.

Seeing her ignoring her, Luo Lili thought that this little girl looked down on her because of her fame now, so she went up to grab her ears to make her remember better.

Little Taotie subconsciously avoided her touch, and Amanda at the side saw that the situation was not good, stepped forward to protect the child, and said angrily: "Put down your young lady's temper, don't hit people at every turn! You are not the emperor, are you?" Everyone will listen to you!"

"Oh, are you against it?"

Luo Lili laughed mockingly, took out her mobile phone, and played with taste: "Do you want to show people all over the world your photos?"

Amanda's face was as pale as paper.

It was precisely because she had a clue in her hands that he would speak according to the content of the text message she sent him in front of the police, and describe Yinuo as a cowardly and inferior person.

"You'd better be good to me too! Act whatever I tell you to do, and say whatever lines I ask you to say! The whole performance, I am the heroine, and you all have to revolve around me to set off my ! Did you hear me clearly?"

Amanda didn't dare to refute, and nodded painfully.

Little Taotie kept staring at Luo Lili's forehead because she was covered by bad luck, and her forehead was completely black, bad luck would soon come!
She has already figured out that this is the bad luck she launched, and Luo Lili is the real murderer who killed the beautiful young lady!
Luo Lili stretched out her hand to grab the little girl's ear again, but the little Taotie didn't dodge or dodge, but raised her head and asked in a childish voice, "Why did you kill the beautiful young lady?"

Luo Lili's outstretched hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, her pupils trembled violently due to shock, she panicked and tried to calm down, exhaled, and said with a straight face: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"It was you who killed the beautiful young lady, bad luck has befallen you, and you still want to deny it!" Little Taotie asked angrily, "Why did you kill her?"

"I can't understand what you're saying!"

Luo Lili opened the door guiltily, and the staff came over: "You can't go out, you have to wait until the hourglass runs out."

"I'm going to the toilet!"


"Is the program group going to imprison me?"

The staff couldn't quarrel with Luo Lili, so they finally let her go.

Luo Lili made a phone call in an empty corner, and asked: "Shouldn't the case be closed long ago? Why hasn't it been closed yet? Her sister is making trouble? Make trouble if she makes trouble. Just ignore her! Close the case quickly, and don't worry about it again." Drag it down!"

"Check Tao Ti, she seems to know something." Luo Lili's eyes were dark, and her tone was light and light: "It's normal for a child who came out of the mountain to disobey the traffic rules, jaywalk and be hit by a car, you Say?"

(End of this chapter)

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