Chapter 194 Let's do it

After Luo Lili returned to the small room, she looked at Little Taotie with malicious intent.

"You are a maid, and I am a guest. When I come to visit, you should come up and pour tea and water, serve me with all your strength, and make me happy!"

Hearing this, Amanda was reluctant, but thinking of those indecent photos lying in Luo Lili's phone, she finally held back her anger and nodded.

Luo Lili looked down at the little Taotie, stretched out her finger, and pointed lazily at the little Taotie, "You are the housekeeper, so you have to serve me!"

Little Taotie turned away and didn't look at her.

She doesn't want to listen to bad guys.

"Did you hear that, you impolite little thing!" Luo Lili roared angrily.

Little Taotie was also very angry, and yelled back: "My name is Tao Ti, or you can call me Little Taotie, I'm not Xiaoshi! If you keep barking, I'll beat you!"

She knew it was wrong to hit someone, but her second brother said that it's okay to beat someone bad, it's just!
Little Taotie clenched her pink and tender fists, which had no deterrent effect.

Luo Lili couldn't help laughing, and squinted at her contemptuously, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the investor is my father, if you don't behave well, I will let my father put pressure on you, and then none of your shots will be seen." will be left!"

Amanda reminded from the side: "It is live broadcast first and then edited."

In other words, if the follow-up editing does not show Xiao Taotie, the audience will definitely make trouble, and there is a live broadcast as substantial evidence.

Luo Lili wanted to curse a few words, but suddenly the door opened, and the staff came to remind her: "The time is coming, please hurry up and prepare."

Luo Lili looked back, no, the time is almost up!

Luo Lili stared fiercely at the little Taotie, and threatened: "You'd better cooperate with me obediently, otherwise I will let you go around without food!"

Little Taotie tilted his head, wondering: "If you can't eat, how do you go if you don't walk around?"

Luo Lili was so angry that her teeth itch, "Don't force me to do it!"

Little Taotie was not afraid, and still firmly remembered what the second brother said, as long as the other party strikes first, he can beat him to death!This is self-defense, not illegal!
"Then you do it." Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes blinked and blinked, and his eyes were full of sincerity.

Luo Lili really wanted to reach out to hit someone, but was stopped by Amanda, "Time is really running out, why don't we have a rehearsal?"

Luo Lili reluctantly agreed.

As a maid, Amanda Wuwu performed a tea making and pouring action, and handed over the unnecessary cup with both hands, "Dear guest, please drink tea, the master will be back soon, please wait a moment."

Luo Lili casually took the unnecessary cup, put it to her mouth and took a sip, "That's right, you took the trouble, it's a high-quality rose, there seems to be white peony, tangerine peel..."

Luo Lili named more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials in succession.

Amanda's eyes were full of admiration, "Yes, you are all right, honored guest, you are really amazing!"

"I graduated from Merston Hall College."

"Did Hayao graduate? You are such a genius!"

The two came back and forth, improvising.

Little Taotie seemed like an outsider, more like a spectator, standing by the side at a loss.

She felt so boring, and the content of their performance was also so boring!

The door opened, and it was the staff who informed them that it was time.

Luo Lili was full of confidence, and felt that without Yinuo, she would definitely be able to enter the top eight, and then debut as an idol.

"Are you ready?" The host asked softly when it was Xiao Taotie's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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