Chapter 1952 Crazy Criticism That Seems Familiar (Repaired)

The headed one-eyed dragon saw the little Taotie, and the only remaining eye suddenly burst into light.

He was dressed in a dramatic pirate costume, eye patch, and smoky makeup, which was extremely exaggerated.

He let out a wild laugh, and said in broken Chinese language: "Lovely mermaid, do you know how many people want to get you?"

Little Taotie frowned tightly: "Your voice is so ugly."

Cyclops choked, with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other.

The knife in his hand waved in the air, making a sound of breaking the wind.

The younger brother at the side hurriedly stopped him: "Captain calm down, you must calm down! The other party spent a lot of money, and he wants to live! He can't be injured or killed!"

Cyclops took a deep breath, showed his bad teeth, and smiled: "Yes, you can't hit the cute mermaid hard, and you should be gentle in both emotion and reason. This is our little God of Wealth."

Hua Jinyan said coldly: "How much is the other party paying?"

"You still want to run?" The captain laughed, and the knife in his hand made a circle in the air, and several large ships with pirate flags appeared on the sea.

"Little man, if you don't have Sanchuan's gold, you guys, hehehe..." The captain smiled evilly, looking at the two children with malicious eyes, as if he was looking at two pigs about to be slaughtered, thinking that he could sell them What a great price.

The captain laughed loudly: "Yeah, I like watching things that seem innocent and innocent get thrown into the mud, and then a little bit..."

The little brother with snarky eyebrows let out a sigh: "The whole boatload of gold is dazzling."

The sly-eyed subordinate laughed: "She thought her grandfather was still in our hands, and it was not easy for the captain to get her back on the yacht, just make a phone call. His grandfather died long ago, but she didn't know, hahaha , This kind of stupid little girl is best lied to, always holding on to a glimmer of hope, and then keeps getting stuck in the quagmire!"

The captain clapped his hands: "Good idea, that's the decision."

"It's my fault for talking too much..." The slappy pirate slapped himself, his voice flattering: "It's boring to sink, to float up and down, always hold a glimmer of hope, but always despair... That's what makes it interesting."

The sly-eyed subordinate answered: "Sink down."

"Crack!" The captain slapped him, angrily reprimanded: "I want you to talk too much! What's the point of sinking!"

"Captain, this boy is skinny and tender. Give it to the other party for free. Why don't we keep it for ourselves? Maybe we can sell it for a good price. Country T likes this kind of little boy the most." The sly-eyed younger brother suggested .

"Little man, if you want a hero to save the beauty, unless you have three ships of gold, neither you nor she can escape."

Both Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie couldn't bear the look in their eyes, they looked at each other and took a step back at the same time.

The one-eyed dragon laughed: "Little man, are you asking for a hero to save the beauty? We only accept gold bars, how much is it?" He looked at the most shrewd looking younger brother beside him.

"This sea area has long been surrounded by us, but I was a little afraid of the sailors on your ship, so I didn't act rashly. They don't look simple, they may be well-trained veterans, that's why they made this move to get you Lied to come here. By the way, where is the little girl who lied to you? She is also very cute, but unfortunately, she did not come back. "

The captain nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, that's what makes it interesting!"

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked at each other, feeling vaguely familiar.

When I was filming a variety show on the island, I also encountered a group of pirates, and the leader was also crazy and abnormal.

"By the way, my elder brother and his group were designed by you, right?" The captain laughed wildly: "Thank you so much! If you didn't help me get rid of him, this sea area would not have fallen to me hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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