Chapter 1953 You angered me

Hearing this, Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked at each other, no one thought that this cancer was caused by the disappearance of the previous batch of pirates, so new ones grew out.

Little Taotie didn't feel panic or fear because of the arrival of those ships, she was surprisingly calm, but there was a trace of panic deep in those seemingly calm eyes.

"Let me ask you, where is Little Lingzhi's grandfather! Is Grandpa Lin... really dead?"

Little Taotie's voice revealed panic.

Hearing the sound, the monkey-cheeked pirate narrowed his eyes, and just when he was about to lie, Hua Jinyan said, "You just said he was dead."

The pirate leader shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, our goal has been achieved. You are already on the boat. Since you are here, you can't escape. It doesn't matter to tell you the truth."

He glanced at the monkey-cheeked pirate, and the pirate immediately understood the meaning, nodded and said, "He wanted to escape, our people shot a little harder, and accidentally killed him."

Little Taotie couldn't stand still, but fortunately Hua Jinyan supported him.

Little Taotie's voice trembled: "How should I tell Little Lingzhi..."

But now that Little Lingzhi's grandfather was killed, how could he face Little Lingzhi!
Everything is because of myself!
If these people hadn't wanted to catch themselves, they wouldn't have found Little Lingzhi, and they wouldn't have captured Grandpa Lin and threatened Little Lingzhi, and Grandpa Lin wouldn't have been killed because he resisted and wanted to escape.

She can forgive Xiao Lingzhi's betrayal and betrayal, but what about Xiao Lingzhi?Will he forgive the pirate for killing Xiao Lingzhi's grandfather because he wanted to catch her?

The gap in my heart... Unless Grandpa Lin is resurrected, there is no way to recover.

In the friendship with Xiao Lingzhi and Xiao Jinzi, he can also see that she will always let the young Xiao Jinzi, and will always subconsciously go along with some young lady tempered Xiao Lingzhi, although they have a good relationship, But in fact, Xiao Taotie kept it.

Even if the two sides forgive each other?

Hua Jinyan knew that Xiao Taotie was falling into self-blame. He knew Xiao Taotie too well. She always hoped that she would be perfect and that many people would like her. Gradually, she also became like a proud little peacock, and occasionally lost her temper, but in fact, compared to other well-loved little girls of the same age, she is still restrained.

"Little Lingzhi and I..." We couldn't go back.

Grandpa Lin's death has created a gap between her and Xiao Lingzhi that can never be repaired.

Originally, Xiao Taotie was a little angry, angry at Xiao Lingzhi's betrayal, but the incident was caused by Xiao Taotie, so the anger turned into anger, and she couldn't blame Xiao Lingzhi. Lingzhi lost her temper in front of her, making her think that she should stop making such a decision without telling herself.

"Let's deal with these people first, they are the real culprits who killed Grandpa Little Lingzhi." Hua Jinyan said.

Xiao Taotie finally got out of her self-blaming emotions, and looked at these people with anger in her eyes. At this moment, she needed an outlet. The friendship between her and Xiao Lingzhi broke down, and these were all the culprits!

She wants to throw a tantrum, a big, big tantrum!

Little Taotie clenched her small fists, her bright eyes filled with the Milky Way gradually deepened, with a deep vortex rolling in them, her voice was hoarse and deep: "You guys offended me, I am very angry."

(End of this chapter)

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