The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1960 The middle-aged white coat compromises

Chapter 1960 The middle-aged white coat compromises (repaired)

A submarine enters the open sea and approaches a large ship.

The patient with Uncle Tie's face on the big boat was lying on the bed. The wound on his face had healed without any scars.

No one would have thought that he had undergone a face transplant.

The young man in the white coat stood beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Sir, it's finally coming."

"Because I'm awake?" asked the patient.

Young white coat: "Remember the answer I taught you?"

"Don't worry, I won't reveal my secrets."

The submarine stopped, and there was an instant passage between the submarine and the bottom of the ship, and a sexy and beautiful lady pushed a wheelchair forward.

A man was sitting in a wheelchair. The man's muscles were atrophied, and only one head was normal, but at this moment it seemed extremely huge, which did not match his body.

This is also the only way to survive, constantly creating hope for "Mr." and confidence that the operation will be successful.

"Sir, here we are."

He was angry.

"It's not a clever operation. If you have the ability, you have succeeded in changing your head!" He roared angrily.

The young white coat laughed: "As long as the face change is successful, it is equal to the head change."

He thinks that young people are just stupid. Now they seem to be hiding the secret of being in a vegetative state, but there are too many hidden dangers, and they will be exposed sooner or later. At that time, no one will be able to escape, and they will be tortured and killed for deceiving the husband.

He remembered what the young white coat said to him when he was locked up: "The operation cannot be successful."

"What daydream are you doing!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Nonsense, who wants to die?"

Maybe...their plan really works.

Only by constantly giving "Mr." hope can he get money and continue to live on the boat.

In this case, what do these white coats want to do, and what can "Sir" do?
"Sir" is lying on the hospital bed with anesthesia, isn't he just a fish on the chopping board?

In fact, the vegetative person died a long time ago, and the vegetative person on the hospital bed is fake!There is no way the surgery will be successful!
But after saying it...

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Now that "Mr." has come in person, he must be undergoing an operation. His illness can no longer be dragged on.

But "Sir" needs hope.

"I need your cooperation. Tell my husband that the operation was successful, the vegetative person has awakened, and all indicators are normal."

"You're crazy! You must be crazy!"

Yes, of course I do.

The woman's voice is hoarse and sexy, a rare mezzo-soprano.

He was one of the white coats who had been on the ship for the longest time, and he knew and understood head replacement surgery better than anyone else, so he naturally knew that it would not work at all.

"I know."

He knew that no matter what choice he made, there would be no good fruit to eat, so he could only choose the lightest one.

He looked around at the group of guys in white coats who looked like men, but they were ruthless behind his back, and finally chose to remain silent.

He made a wrong choice under the pressure of this group of people, so he lied about the operation.

Young white coat: "He can't wait long, he will go crazy sooner or later, do you want to die?"

"Don't you understand? Mister can't go on anymore, he will come, he will take a gamble, change his face at that time, we say the operation is successful. Then, we say who is Mr., who is Mr., understand? "

The young man's eyes seemed to have magic power, bewitching him to fall and compromise.

"Would you believe me if I said that I have a way to keep everyone alive and get all the money from my husband?"

"Think about it carefully. After the husband's operation is successful, we can leave this ship and get the rewards we deserve during this period. Have you been on the ship for a long time? Don't you want to leave?"

It is obviously thankless to betray this group of people at this moment.

If "Sir" has no hope, he will definitely drag everyone to be buried with him.

The middle-aged man in a white coat hid in the crowd with his head down.

He wondered if he should confess everything at this moment.

"The face-changing operation was very successful." The young man in the white coat suddenly said.

They were greeted by many people in white coats, including young people in white coats.

I almost vomited after eating fish.

He wants to go to land, he wants to be down-to-earth, he wants to go to the most famous bar to drink, he wants to watch the most beautiful girls dance, he has money, and maybe he can have a good night with beautiful girls...

He thought, crazy to get off this wreck!

So...he compromised and tricked "Mr." onto the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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