One face was smoothly switched to another, and everything went smoother than expected.

The last stitch, everything is about to be done.

"Boom!" There was a blast.

It was the tight operating room door that was blown open.

"Who are you! This is a private boat, please leave immediately!"

There came the unique voice of that beautiful woman, but at the moment the pleasant alto was raised, and it was hysterically sharp.

The scalpel fell to the ground, and the white coats panicked one by one.

"How to do?"

"Who is it?"

"Know our plan, are you here to destroy our plan?"

"My hands are shaking!"

"Are you doing illegal surgery on the ship?" Lu Yuan's eyes fell on the two lying on the operating table.

"He doesn't look like a gentleman."

"Under such circumstances, who can concentrate on work!"

Little Taotie walked out from the heavily armed crowd. A small, short, cute little girl was wearing a pink and tender skirt, which was in stark contrast to the group of men in black clothes who were thick and thick and heavily armed.

Hearing Lu Yuan's voice, she recognized that it was the language of the Hua Kingdom, and the woman shouted loudly: "This is the high seas, and it is not up to the Hua Kingdom to control whether you break the law or not!"

The young man in the white coat coughed, the commotion calmed down, and everyone looked at him.

The young white coat said calmly: "No matter who comes, our task is to complete the operation."

When the heavily armed troops came in, he had just completed the operation, and his calm eyes met with the leader Lu Yuan.

He is skilled at suturing wounds.

"I'll do it." The young man in the white coat pushed the female white coat away and went into battle in person.

"Who the hell are you guys!" The beautiful woman has been restrained, but her mouth has not been sealed, and she keeps questioning their origins.

Little Taotie's face was solemn, and his eyes fell on the foreign woman. She had long golden hair, white skin, flaming red lips, and a beautiful wrap-around skirt. She was a very beautiful big sister, but what she said made the little girl Taotie was very unhappy.

"Yes! On the high seas, no country can control us!"

"So it's free to kill people here?" Xiao Taotie laughed, and Xiao Li dimple sank deeply: "Then if we kill you here, no one can care about us, right?"

"What are you talking about!" The woman was so shocked that her pupils rounded, it was too unbelievable, and there was a moment of bewilderment in those beautiful green eyes.

In the armed forces, someone let out a laugh: "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, I think it makes sense."

Some people echoed: "The crimes here are indeed beyond the control of the Hua Kingdom, so we kill and set fire here, and no one can control us, right! It makes sense!"

Little Taotie spread his hands: "Big sister, you are very beautiful, but it's a pity that you have nothing to do with your appearance, your brain is not very good, and your ears are not very good."

The little girl frowned, tilted her head, and asked innocently in the other party's language: "Is there no one to take care of breaking the law on the high seas?"

All eyes immediately focused on her.

"When I encountered this kind of thing before, I should have used this kind of rhetoric to go back!"

"I learned it, I learned it, as expected of my idol, she is smart!"

Lu Yuan glanced over coldly, those little soldiers didn't dare to speak anymore, but the muffled laughter still couldn't help coming out.

Lu Yuan frowned and glanced at the little Taotie, feeling that the little girl had changed a lot.

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at him, his smile was cute and cute, his little dimples were deep, his eyebrows were curved, his little milk voice was soft: "Uncle, do you think I'm right?"

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