The young white coat was trapped in a dark room with only an interrogation table, a desk lamp, and two wooden chairs.

There is no response when the desk lamp is pressed down, because the main gate is turned off.

Suddenly, the lamp came on.

A not too bright orange-yellow light illuminates the room.

Lu Yuan, who opened the main gate, opened the door of the room and walked in slowly. He was wearing a pair of brown leather shoes with blood stains on them.

The young man in the white coat looked up at him, then lowered his eyes again, remaining silent.

"You think you can keep silent forever?"

Lu Yuan put a notebook on the table, sat on the wooden chair, leaned back on the chair, stared at the young white coat with a pair of deep eyes: "They have already said that you are the leader."

The young man in the white coat remained silent.

"What do you want to do? Change that face, get all his money smoothly, and fly away?"

He picked up his phone with trembling hands and clicked on a video on the homepage.

"I told you that he found a substitute, and the one you killed was a counterfeit. If you don't believe me, you can read the latest reports to see if he attended the press conference."

"We won't touch them, but what about your boss? Have they been arrested?"

This is a new product launch.

"It seems that you don't want to live anymore, so that's fine, the family will go to the underworld to reunite, your woman and your three-year-old son—"

"What did you say!"

The door of the room was closed, the electric switch was turned off, the light of the desk lamp went out, and the room returned to darkness.

"Then you will kill me!" The young man in a white coat said calmly, and regained his composure.

"You are really contradictory. If you have no women and no children, why were you so excited just now? It is true that you have not registered marriage with any woman. You are so generous that you let your classmate and her get a marriage certificate abroad and put his son under his name, but if we can find out something so easy to find out, won't your boss be able to find out?"

Still silent.

"Sir" sat in the middle seat, and he smiled.

"I have no woman and no children."

"Don't move them!"

The young white coat who had been silent all this time finally spoke. He raised his head and looked at Lu Yuan with a pair of dark eyes, "You are lying to me!"

"Cheat you?" Lu Yuan opened the notebook and wrote slowly, "You have already fallen into our hands, what's the value of us trying to deceive you? I want to kill you, and I can kill you at any time."

"He is dead."

"Don't dream, that woman has already said that that person is not your boss at all."

If you think about something late at night, your thoughts will always be cleared up quickly.

Lu Yuan threw him a mobile phone, closed the notebook, and before walking out of the room, said lightly: "I hope when I come again, you can say something I want to hear, it's no fun dealing with a dumb person."

The darkness will make people quiet down quickly and fall into contemplation.

That smile seemed to mock the youth's stupidity and innocence.

How could a person of his worth easily believe that the operation was successful just because of some reports? How could a person like him not have many substitutes.

Young people are being played with.

The plan he thought was flawless, actually didn't work from the very beginning, because it was impossible for this gentleman to risk his life, and he valued his life more than anything else.

Just like every investment, if you are not completely sure, you will never place a bet.

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