Little Taotie knocked on the door, opened it, and came in with a stack of food.

Small people, big plates.

light is on.

She put the food on the table, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask you." The young man in a white coat stopped her.

Little Taotie tilted his head: "I'm just a delivery man."

"Call him."


"The one who just left."

"Oh, but uncle is not on board."

He even began to suspect that this was a dream, and everything that happened was beyond his cognition.

Little Taotie straightened his waist and patted his heart: "Me!"

The young man in the white coat shrank instinctively.

The next moment, his back hit the wall, and there was the sound of bones breaking.

Little Taotie stepped on his foot.

The voice stopped abruptly, because the man had already reached out to grab her shoulders, and put one hand on her neck: "I don't want to be strangled to death, I will answer whatever I ask!"

Facing the little girl's clear and clean pupils, he felt that the world had become a bit magical.

"I didn't hurt my heart and lungs, why did I vomit blood?" The examiner was a little anxious: "Could it be that my medical skills have regressed? No, I saw a doctor for Dahuang a few days ago, and I took care of it!"

The sound of the broken instep is so crisp!
Little Taotie tilted his head, and his little milk voice was soft: "Crackling!"

"But you're in danger."

It was meal time, and everyone couldn't concentrate on eating, so they quickly put down their meals and hurried over.

Someone came forward to check the young man in a white coat, and exclaimed, "This is what happened with one foot? There are many fractures and fractures in the whole body!"

This is indeed the case.

"You are in my hands, they dare not do anything to me—"

Little Taotie tilted his head: "I don't know either."

"Then I'll try it."

Little Taotie blinked innocently, spread out his small hands: "It was he who made the first move, I was just defending myself."

Little Taotie stood in front of him, with a small face: "You see me bullying me when I'm young?"

The voice stopped abruptly, and the little Taotie kicked back with his little feet, directly sending people flying.

Young white coat: "..."

The sound of a heavy object hitting the wall startled many people.

"Find someone who can make the decision."

Little Taotie stretched out his little feet.

The young man in the white coat glanced at her contemptuously, and lowered his eyes: "You are just a delivery man."

They were not worried about Xiao Taotie, but rushed over to watch the play.

"Oh!" Little Taotie didn't resist and let him grab it.

The young man in a white coat met the innocent eyes of the little girl, deeply feeling her malice, he groaned, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

In the eyes of these little soldiers, the little Taotie is the dangerous person. Although the white coat is young and strong, it is just a decoration, not enough for the little Taotie to punch.

"Are you important to them? I trade you for my freedom. Do you think it's useful?"

Little Taotie was furious, approached him, and said loudly: "I can make the decision—"

When the young man in the white coat flew up, his eyes were blank.

"You...are treating dogs?" The voice of the young man in a white coat trembled.

The young man in the white coat gasped.

Young white coat: "..."

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you, I'm the veterinarian in the team, and I specialize in treating police dogs, hehe!"

"Pfft!" The young man in the white coat spit out a mouthful of blood again.

"Will he die? This person seems to be very important. Can't he die?" Someone asked weakly.

"It's okay! It's just a muscle injury, no internal organs are injured, so Xiao Taotie is still merciful."

Little Taotie nodded, with an obedient expression on his face: "Yes, I was merciful, so I only used a little strength, because his body is too weak."

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