Chapter 1965 She Is His Sister
The young white coat paralyzed on the hospital bed finally saw Lu Yuan.

The previous time we met, he didn't cherish the opportunity. This time, his attitude was so good that he asked what he said.

Lu Yuan: "That is to say, you are here to protect yourself?"

The young man in the white coat nodded.

Lu Yuan: "Then how do you explain it? Before you boarded the ship, you arranged everything properly, and named your women and children under other people's names. I can reasonably suspect that you have planned it for a long time."

"Is there any smoke?" asked the young man in a white coat.

Lu Yuan shook his head: "I don't smoke."

Young white coat: "When she was pregnant, I also quit."

"Since you quit, don't smoke again."

"Now, I really want to smoke."

"Want to talk?"

"If you want to say it, say it, if you don't say it, I will leave."

"What did you say?" Uncle Tie asked.

He stared at the young man in the white coat on the hospital bed with a disgusted look, and whispered, "Unlucky man."

"Needless to say this, I don't want to follow your example, besides, he is already dead."

"Are they...well?"

"He is dead." Lu Yuan said calmly.

"You know the whereabouts of my sister!" Uncle Tie was very excited.

"You really know me." Uncle Tie, who had been floating beside him, frowned: "But why don't I have any impression of you?"

When he was alive, he would definitely not be able to hold back, and he had agreed to it long ago, but now that he is dead, no matter how anxious he is, it is useless, and the other party can't see him.

Lu Yuan was silent for a while: "Among those people, some of them were stubborn and got hurt."

Lu Yuan's voice was calm, but he winked at the direction where Uncle Tie was.

Lu Yuan looked at him indifferently.

Lu Yuan: "You are not qualified to negotiate a deal."

"Can we all know?"

"You are really not afraid of the dead, I will look for you in my dream at night!"

Uncle Tie was anxious, but he also knew what the old man meant, and he couldn't let the other party succeed.

"I still have something to say."

"I don't want to smoke." Lu Yuan stood up: "Is there anything else I want to say? Then I'll leave."

The uncle Guicha who was watching the play pursed his lips, trying to say something, but finally held back.

Lu Yuan was silent for a long time, then turned and walked to the door, "Sorry."

Lu Yuan: "Almost."

"and many more."

"What about her and the baby?"

" wait!"


The young man in the white coat looked at himself and smiled wryly: "Just like me?"

When Uncle Tie saw that he left as soon as he said it, he curled his lips: "Who wants you to accompany me?"

Before the door closed, the young man in the white coat shouted excitedly: "Help me save them, I know that man named Tie, he belongs to you, right?"

"Forget it if you didn't hear clearly." Uncle Guicha yawned: "I'm going back to work, so I won't play with you anymore."

"You don't want to help him find his sister? How could you do this? He worked hard for you, but you didn't even help him find his sister, which makes the deceased feel cold!"

"Are you asking about those white coats, or your wife and children?"

"He belongs to you. He had an accident while on a mission. You don't want him to die in peace, do you? I know the whereabouts of his sister. This is a deal. You help me rescue my woman and child. I will tell you The whereabouts of my sister!"

"I said, I think after I speak out, you will send more people to rescue her."

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Don't play tricks."

"It seems that you have guessed it." The young white coat raised a smile: "My woman is his sister."

"Bastard!" This is Uncle Tie roaring.

Uncle Tie's fist had turned into substance, and he was about to hit it. Fortunately, Lu Yuan rushed forward and punched the young man in the white coat ahead of time. He missed the head of the young man in the white coat, and Uncle Tie's fist missed.

(End of this chapter)

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