Chapter 1966 Refrigerator Brand Uncle Tie
Lu Yuan turned his head and glared at Uncle Tie, his eyes seemed to be shouting: Are you crazy!

Although Uncle Tie is the king of ghosts, he can indeed hurt the living, but he will also pay a heavy price. The karma he bears will be deeper, and it will be even more difficult to practice the way of ghosts and become a ghost messenger.

This is like a monk who wants to cultivate into a fairy, but has to go through catastrophe. If he doesn't do it well, he will be struck to death by heavenly lightning at the last level, and his soul will be scattered.

This kind of behavior, in the final analysis, is going against the sky.

If a ghost cultivator wants to cultivate a physical body or become a ghost messenger, he will experience catastrophe. Every catastrophe is different. If he has hurt a living person, and his karma is too deep and heavy, it will make it more difficult to cross the catastrophe. Chances are reduced.

Uncle Tie calmed down, feeling scared for a while.

The young man in the white coat didn't know what was at stake, he only knew that this man rushed over suddenly and punched him like crazy.

"What do you mean!" The young white coat lowered his eyes gloomyly: "What does she have to do with you being my woman? Don't tell me you like her too!"

The young man in the white coat suddenly smiled sullenly: "I knew she was so attractive, I would fall hopelessly just by looking at her, she was still so young at that time, I could only force her to stay by my side... ..."

"You bastard! You also know that my sister is young! She is only eighteen now, and you have already let her have a baby! You beast!"

He was one of the participants in the operation, and he witnessed that the man's head was removed, and then the life index dropped rapidly, and finally died.

The young man in the white coat shivered and shook his head: "It's your hallucination alone, I... don't feel cold at all! He's dead... He's already dead! I'm a medical student, I don't believe that in this world... Ghost!"

The temperature in the room dropped sharply, the young man in the white coat shivered, and a layer of hoarfrost appeared on his face.

"Since you don't believe it, what are you afraid of? Why hide that bag under the quilt like a shrinking turtle?"

This sound did not calm Uncle Tie down, but made the young man in a white coat break out in a cold sweat.

"Ah! Stop it!" The young man in a white coat covered his head with the quilt and shouted, "Everything is an illusion. You drugged me. Today's meal must have been drugged. You gave it to me." Hallucinogenic stuff! It’s cold because you turned the air conditioner to the coldest level, or hid an ice machine in a corner! I don’t believe it, I don’t believe there are ghosts in this world!”

But now, what is this man shouting?
"You...have hallucinations? He's dead, he's been dead for a long time."

"Control your emotions, old man!" Lu Yuan shouted anxiously.

Uncle Tie roared crazily, and the black air around the ghost king enveloped the entire ward.

"You're shivering, and you're chilling even when you speak." Lu Yuan pointed to the empty space around him, "He's just standing, oh no, he's floating next to you, staring at you—"

Lu Yuan squinted at him, and said coldly, "Is it my hallucination alone? Do you feel cold now?"

Because he is the elder brother of the woman he loves, he gave some money and ordered his body to be sent back to land, which was better than throwing his body in the sea to become fish food.

"You go, I won't believe you, any word you say is deceiving me, I won't believe it! I won't believe it!!!"

"It seems that if you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't believe it."

Lu Yuan put down an eye drop on the bedside table. This is a one-time package of artificial eye drops. The quantity is very small, but in fact it contains a special drop that can see Ah Piao.

Lu Yuan is also a little cold, mainly because he is not the one being targeted, so he is not as cold as the young man in the white coat. He let out a breath, and a cloud of white mist appeared, and said helplessly: "I am old, so I won't waste time here. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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