Chapter 1967
The young man in the white coat firmly believed that all of this was a scam, he didn't believe that he would leave like this, and he didn't believe that he would really freeze himself to death, so he wasted like this.

There was the sound of the door being closed.

After Lu Yuan left, the temperature in the room dropped sharply again, it was colder than before.

If this continued, the young man in the white coat felt that he was about to freeze, and the blood in his body seemed to be flowing slowly.

"What's your purpose? I've already told you what you want to know, why do you still treat me like this! I'm freezing to death, what good is it for you?"

"Or, do you think I'm lying? Are you deliberately testing me in this way? Want to see if I will change my words?"

"I didn't lie to you. My woman is his sister. I didn't lie because I wanted you to save her! It's really his sister!"

"How can you believe me? Do you only believe me and save them if you freeze to death?"

"...If this is the case, then... I will die when I die."

" must, must save them..."

No one responded.

Uncle Tie was silent for a moment, and drifted away.

The young white coat took a deep breath: "Don't be angry, I'll order right away."

After a long time, no sound could be heard, the young man in a white coat tremblingly stretched out his hand to take the eye drops on the bedside table: "After putting on the eye drops, can I see you?"

"Take some eye drops."

His fingers were red, his hand slipped, and the eye drops slipped from his fingertips and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the surrounding air became warmer, and the biting coldness disappeared. The young man in the white coat breathed a sigh of relief, and his frozen lips moved: "Are you... gone?"

Although it goes against common sense, it seems... I have to believe it.


Uncle Tie looked at him indifferently by the bed, his out-of-control eyes became focused, and he calmed down.

"You... are not dead?" The young man in the white coat couldn't believe it, his voice trembling.

Uncle Tie's voice was very soft, and it was not easy to use his soul power to make such a sound for the living to hear, it might have exhausted all his strength for just one sound.

He found it difficult to utter the fourth sentence.

Sure enough, he opened his mouth again, but the living could not hear him.

Suddenly, the temperature of the whole room was restored.

The voice of the young man in the white coat became weaker and weaker.

Uncle Tie's voice became blurred.

The surrounding air grew colder.

The hand of the young man in the white coat was not broken, but it seemed to be crippled. It took a long time to remove the eye drops, but he still couldn't take it apart.

In the empty room, a voice appeared out of thin air.

He was a fractured patient with broken bones in his waist and legs.

But the surrounding air became colder.

He couldn't get out of bed, he could only stare blankly at the eye drops on the ground, feeling the temperature around him drop again.

"Are you really willing to die for them?"

The voice is a little familiar, a little hoarse and gloomy.

He was so scared that he seemed to be able to calm down, and it was too cold, which calmed his mind. He said hoarsely, "I tried my best, can you call that police officer back?"

Lu Yuan entered the ward again and gave him a sympathetic look.

The young man in the white coat: "He... called you here?"

"Mm." Lu Yuan bent down to pick up the eye drops, opened the cap, and handed it to him.

"He's back too?" Niannian's hand in the white coat was a little disobedient, and he took it several times, and finally managed to hold the eye drops.

(End of this chapter)

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