Little Taotie giggled, extremely proud.

The young man in the white coat trembled: "Then shall we set off now?"

"You want to teach me, how can I leave my body and float away!"

"This way, this way, this way..."

One dares to teach and the other dares to learn.

The little Taotie lay on the ground, and another little Taotie floated beside the young white coat.

"Let's go, let's find Sister Meng!"

"it is good……"

"You seem to be very afraid of Sister Meng."

"A little apprehensive."

"What's going on here?"

"Your reputation is not very good. I remembered that the same thing happened before."

Two checks were thrown directly at the wheelchair man's face, causing the wheelchair man to pant heavily with anger.

"We don't kill you now, are we still waiting for you to pay someone to kill us?"

Both the wheelchair man and the secretary were at a loss.

On the opposite side, the mercenaries who saw the little girl fell became anxious and rushed over.

The leading mercenary threw the check over: "I quit!"

The secretary looked innocent, and his eyes were full of fear: "Boss, what should we do, what should we do..."

"When we leave here, you will invite more mercenaries to surround us and kill us!"

The other mercenaries followed his example and threw the check.

"Kill him! Shoot him!"

"Send Zai Zai to the hospital!"

"It's all good things you did, you made them angry!"

He looked at the secretary with angry eyes.

"Calm down, the boss won't, the boss won't kill you, and won't send someone to kill you, calm down!" the secretary cried.

"You... figured it out, we hired you..."

"Cub, are you okay!"

"Don't have an accident, go to the hospital!"

The secretary roared wildly, but his eyes flickered.

"You mean now that you won't embarrass us, what about after that?"

"Crazy! You are all crazy! Do you know what you are doing! You have offended us, and you can't even think about living!"

When the wheelchair man came to his senses, he was already surrounded.

Wheelchair man: "I paid them! What are they doing!"

Secretary: "I don't know, I seem to have mistaken the camp."

"Be bold, Sister Meng is a nice person."

The wheelchair man finally felt that something was wrong.

The mercenaries rushed over with angry eyes.

"What are you going to do!"

The more he cried, the more irritable and violent the mercenaries became.

The wheelchair man: "What are they... going crazy about?"

"I've also heard that the killer who offended you was killed by someone you sent."

The wheelchair man looked at the mercenaries: "I didn't say anything, I won't make things difficult for you."

The secretary shuddered.

The secretary yelled: "What are you all doing! Come back! Catch them to us! Catch the two children!"

"If we offend you, we can't live anymore? I'll let you go on the road first!" The mercenary headed by pointed a gun at the wheelchair man's head.

"Be sure to kill him. They are not people who keep their promises. The current promises are all lies. When the matter is over, they only need to leave alive. They will spend money to invite many people to kill us. We are not opponents at all! Click and shoot!"

"Hurry up and grab!"

The little Taotie Ah Piao who was about to follow the young white coat to find Sister Meng was a little confused: "I don't understand."

"Me too, are they yours? Why did you kill Mr. for you?"

"I... don't know them, but they seem to call me Zai Zai."

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