Chapter 1976 There Are Two Meng Sisters
"Don't worry about them." Hua Jinyan hugged the little Taotie's body, and his eyes fell on the little Taotie A Piao who was not far away: "Go early and return early, and you can't leave the body for too long."

Little Taotie nodded obediently and blinked: "I'll be back soon."

"What are you doing holding her, give it to us, we'll send her to the hospital!"

"Yes, we must go to the hospital quickly!"

"She's fine." Hua Jinyan dodged the mercenary's hand, his eyes were calm: "You should deal with that guy first."

Just when the mercenary wanted to kill the wheelchair man, the wheelchair man unbuttoned it, and the suit was full of miniature bombs.

"Don't piss me off. I'm going crazy and blowing myself up."

"Boss, you are crazy, don't press, don't get excited!"

The secretary yelled loudly, his body trembling, and his steps moved back.

"Don't move!" The wheelchair man glared at him with fierce eyes.

"Boss, I..." The secretary stiffened, not daring to move back.

"If I die, you must be buried with me. If you dare to take a step back, I will immediately press the button."

"Boss! Calm down, I won't run!"

The mercenaries gradually approached each other, back to back, discussing countermeasures in a low voice.

At this moment, no one cares about why the little Taotie is "comatose", and no one pays attention to Hua Jinyan, Hua Jinyan holds the little Taotie's body and retreats silently.

In the resplendent and magnificent hall, the red and gold interweave a kind of gorgeous nobility. The hazy mist looks like a fairyland on earth, but if you look closely, this gas looks like moisture, the water vapor rising from the boiling Wangchuan River.

Little Taotie and a young man in a white coat appeared in the line, and there were A Piao floating in the front and back. These A Piao were surprised at first, but soon regained their numb expressions, and lined up quietly, not daring to accuse anyone of jumping in line.

Little Taotie was dumbfounded and cute: "Are we queuing up? Do we need soup?"

The young man in the white coat nodded: "I'm dead, so I was sent here to queue. But you, it shouldn't be considered dead, why are you sent here... I don't know, when you are in the queue, you can see Granny Meng, maybe She will give us answers."

"Don't call her that, call her sister. Otherwise, my sister will be angry. She is young and beautiful, not an old woman."

The young man in the white coat was in a daze for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "No wonder every time I respectfully address her Meng Po, she doesn't even look at me. Originally, the soup is tasteless, but when I come here, the soup will become tasteless." Bitter and astringent. It turns out...the problem lies here."

"Are you just awakening? It's too late."

A mocking voice sounded.

Little Taotie turned his head, looked over at Wen Sheng, opened his small mouth slightly, and his big eyes were full of shock: "Sister, why did you become a man?"

"Tsk, I'm much prettier than her! Ah——you're making another sneak attack..."

The hair of the beauty in the elegant water-blue ancient costume was scattered like ink, and it was impossible to tell the difference between male and female. He turned his head cowardly, his tone full of accusations, but his eyes did not dare to stare at him, his eyebrows drooped.

The woman standing behind him was dressed in smart modern attire, resembling a white-collar elite office uniform.

Her face is exactly the same as that of the beauty in ancient costume, the only difference is that there is a mole at the corner of the eye of the beauty in ancient costume, while the face of the beauty in modern costume is clean, with smooth skin and no freckles at all.

Little Taotie stood between the two of them.

A little person raised his head to look at them, his little head swayed from side to side like a rattle, looked at the ancient beauty on the left, then at the modern beauty on the right, and finally fixed on the face of the modern beauty.

She blinked, her pupils wavering, and the little milk voice tentatively asked, "Sister Meng?"

The modern beauty smiled, knelt down and picked up the little Taotie, and rubbed his nose against the little Taotie's little nose.

"You are smart, if you admit your mistake, I will punish you."

(End of this chapter)

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