When the dense fog cleared in the early morning, there was an approaching sound from a distance. Xiao Taotie looked over and found that the man was tall and big, wearing armor and peeping, who else could he be if he wasn't the God of War!
She looked at the little white beast lying soundly asleep in front of the door, and shouted loudly: "He is back, the person you were waiting for is finally back, wake up quickly!"

The little white beast that looks forward to the stars and the moon every day is sleeping extraordinarily soundly at the moment, which makes the little Taotie very anxious, "Hurry up, after waiting for so long, he is back and you are still sleeping, big slob, hurry up La--"

Little Taotie's voice suddenly disappeared, replaced by "Aw!"

Little Taotie was dumbfounded.

She lowered her head to look at her little claws, white, hairy, and fleshy pads in the palm of her hand!

Well!She turned into a little white beast!

Once again, she "possessed" the little white beast in a dream.

She stared round her big round eyes, which seemed to contain a Milky Way with countless stars twinkling in her glazed pupils.

God of War stood in front of her, lowered his head, and looked at each other.

Because of the clarity and ignorance in the eyes of the little Baibai beast, God of War slightly raised the corners of his mouth, squatted down, stretched out his hand and hooked the little Baibai beast randomly, and the little Baibai beast fell into the arms of God of War.

Crispy and fluffy.

Little Taotie felt a little ashamed, she was being held like a baby.

She thinks God of War's voice is nice, like... a low subwoofer, singing must be nice, right?
She suddenly wanted to hear God of War singing.

Little Taotie pursed his lips subconsciously, but when he got to the little white beast, he stuck out his tongue and let out a few breaths.

Little Taotie blushed, thankful that the fur on his face blocked it now.

God of War laughed: "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter, what's on your face?" God of War leaned very close, and his voice came directly into Xiao Taotie's ears.

If there is a hole in the ground, she must go into it.

Startled by her sudden thought, she took a sneaky look at God of War, looking a little sneaky.

Why does she feel like a dog?
Little Taotie once again covered his face with his small claws, and once again grabbed Mao Mao.

God of War was amused by her, held her claws with his hand, and squeezed her little pad, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for too long this time, I will accompany you for a few days, and I will take you to Shall we play in the world?"

She is not used to using the body of the little white beast to make human voices and speak human words, like a child learning to speak.

Little Taotie: "..."

Hearing that his little milk voice was still stuttering, little Taotie covered his little face with his little claws, and stroked his fur.

In fact, after elementary school, she rarely asked for hugs, and felt embarrassed to be hugged.

"Let...let me go." She said in a stumbling, milky voice.

Little Taotie: "..."

She didn't expect the little white beast's hair shedding problem to be so serious, she just grabbed it lightly without using any strength.

Little Taotie really didn't want to take the opportunity of Baibai Xiaoshou, she knew that Baibai Xiaoshou must be like hanging out with God of War, but she didn't know how to return her body to him, so she could only look bitter and droop her ears.

"What's the matter? Don't want to go out to play? Then what do you ask for, I will meet any of your requests."

Little Taotie blinked his eyes, and suddenly a bold idea popped up again.

"Anything... is it okay?" Her little voice couldn't help revealing excitement.

The God of War had a bad premonition, but he couldn't bear to refuse the pair of shining eyes of the little white beast, so he nodded: "Yes."

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