"Hee hee!" The little white beast's eyeballs rolled around, its eyes were sly and agile, its little claws covered its mouth, and let out a sweet and mischievous laugh.

God of War raised his eyebrows unexpectedly and narrowed his eyes.

The little white beast raised its eyes, its big eyes were shining brightly, its pupils were full of bright stars, showing its small canine teeth, its small appearance was cute and soft, and its baby voice said, "Then sing me a song."


Steady as a god of war, he also showed surprise at this moment, his eyes full of disbelief.

The little white beast blinked, its big eyes were full of innocence, innocent and innocent: "Didn't you be able to ask for anything? Now... is it not allowed?" Tilting his head, his eyes were gloomy.

God of War couldn't see the little white beast sad, and his tone became anxious: "Yes, anything is fine!"

The eyes of the little Baibai beast lit up again, its small mouth was grinning, and it had a small pointy canine tooth, small and cute.

Facing the shining eyes of the little white beast, looking forward to it, God of War lowered his eyes, his eyes flickering, "What do you want to hear?"

"Can you still order songs?" The little white beast was very pleasantly surprised. She rubbed her little paws. She also liked the soft feel of the pads. She subconsciously rubbed her nose with the pads and narrowed her eyes comfortably. .

"As long as you want to listen, I can learn without knowing it."

Little Taotie rubbed his little claws: "Can you sing Little Star? Twinkle twinkle twinkle..."

Listening to the soft, sweet little milk voice humming, God of War closed his eyes in enjoyment.

Baibai Xiaoshou always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't remember it until she finished humming the whole song and heard the sound of even breathing.

"God of War?" The little white beast patted him with its small claws.

no response.

"No way!"

"Did you fall asleep by me?"

The little white beast covered its face with its small paws, never expecting that it was originally here to listen to the song, but instead it ended up being sung by itself, and the person who was supposed to sing to her fell asleep.

After pushing twice to no avail, the little white beast withdrew its claws, with a sad expression on its face: "I haven't sung the song yet, how can I fall asleep!"

Although complaining, the little white beast didn't disturb God of War's sleep.

She groped around in her fur and managed to find a blanket.

"The storage space is really useful. It would be great if it could bring out the dream."

She muttered, and covered the God of War with the blanket, leaning on the God of War with her small body, and fell asleep unconsciously.

When the little white beast fell asleep, the little Taotie finally floated out of this body, and floated back and forth like a "little Ah Piao".

It was a pleasant surprise to become "Little Ah Piao" at the beginning, because I could fly around, and the only enjoyment was flying, but after a long time, I felt boring, and even had the illusion of having no sense of belonging like duckweed.

Little Taotie floated to God of War and circled around God of War, "Ah, I forgot to take off your helmet!"

Little Taotie was extremely annoyed, several times, he obviously had the opportunity to see the true face of the God of War, but he missed it every time for no reason.

God of War seemed to sense something, opened his eyes, like a lion waking up, his eyes were sharp and full of majesty, and he glanced at the position of the little Taotie.

At this moment, Xiao Taotie felt as if he had been frozen, and was scratched by this look, his whole body was chilly.

Stronger than the God of War, he only noticed that something was wrong with what he was looking at, but he didn't find out what was wrong specifically, and he couldn't see the little Taotie floating like a little Ah Piao.

Seeing that he looked away, Little Taotie breathed a sigh of relief, turned excited, floated in front of the God of War, and approached him to make a face: "Can't you see me? The God of War is not very powerful, but he can't see me! "

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