The middle-aged woman seemed to be caught by an invisible object, her hands and feet were thrown back, and she fell like a dog eating shit, her face was firmly pressed to the ground: "Help! Help!"

Almost suffocated, she cried and begged for mercy: "I was wrong, let me go! Monster, oh no, no, it's a great fairy! Great fairy in the mountains, please let me go! I will never go up the mountain again, I know wrong!……"

Little Taotie walked up to the middle-aged woman, and stomped on the middle-aged woman's vest with her small feet, "Say! Are you a kidnapper?"

", no, no, I'm not a kidnapper, I'm not..."

"Hmph! Still not telling the truth!" Little Taotie stepped hard.

"Yes, yes, I am a kidnapper."

"Did you abduct many children?"

"No—it hurts, hurts!"

"If you lie, the next foot will be on your head!"

"I... dare not, I dare not!"


"I've abducted a lot of goods...that couple didn't even like it."

"Where are the children?"

"Those children...are locked up in the homestay."

"Tell me the address!" Little Taotie's little feet pushed down again.

"Okay, okay, I said! Don't step on it! I'll give you the address right now!"

Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan came to the place where the middle-aged woman told them, and saw a dozen children trapped in this small and dark room.

These children include children from the Hua country, and some from the R country, and there are also tourists from various places who have traveled to Yueshi Mountain.

The children's eyes were covered with cloth strips, and their hands and feet were bound with tape, which would even hurt their delicate skin when they were torn off.

Little Taotie felt indescribably uncomfortable seeing these children who were about the same age as him.

A little girl about four years old hid next to the little Taotie after she untied her clothes, her little hands gently grasping the corner of the little Taotie's clothes.

"Sister... I'm hungry."

Little Taotie lowered his head and met the little girl's timid eyes.

Next to the little girl was a little boy who said hoarsely, "I'm so thirsty."

Some children have already been pulled on the body, peeing on the body, and they are in a mess.

Little Taotie handed them some snacks and water, and asked softly, "How long have you been stuck here?"

The little girl shook her head with a dazed expression.

The little boy said: "We don't know how long we were locked up. We were blindfolded and couldn't see the light. I counted in my heart, and it took 60 minute to count to 1. I counted, but I forgot to count How many are 60. My stomach keeps growling, my mouth is very thirsty, and I can’t hold back my urine, and no one has ever come.”

Hearing what the little boy said, Little Taotie felt even more sad, she called out to the door: "Uncle Bailu, I know you are behind the door, don't hide, hurry up and help deal with things here."

Lu Yuan has been following, just wanting to protect the two children, never expecting such a thing to happen.

This matter is not in the country, it is really difficult to handle.

"Uncle Bailu!" Little Taotie urged.

Lu Yuan sighed and came out from behind the door: "I don't want to get involved in this matter at all."

"Hmph! You've already touched it, you can't dodge it!" Little Taotie stomped his feet angrily.

"I have already searched the bodies of those four people. The young couple is from the Hua country, but the middle-aged man and woman are not from the Hua country, nor are they from the R country."

Little Taotie was curious: "Not from country R? Where are you from?"

Lu Yuan sighed: "One is M nationality, and the other is F state."

Little Taotie's eyes widened: "It obviously looks more like an Asian."

"That's why things are very troublesome. The place where the crime occurred was country R. It would be fine if he was from Hua country. He could still intervene, but now he is not from Hua country at all."

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