Seeing that Uncle Bailu was evasive, Little Taotie grabbed Hua Jinyan's hand and walked out angrily, "Huahua and I went to buy some warm food, anyway, you have to take care of this matter anyway!"

"It's quite complicated!" Lu Yuan stood there and sighed, and accidentally met the four-year-old girl, who smiled shyly at him.

Lu Yuan's body froze, he held his forehead, helplessly: "Finally... it's stuck, and I can't let it go."

He followed all the way just to take care of the safety of the two children.But now he is here to take care of these abducted children, and he can't leave for a while, praying in his heart that nothing will happen to those two little ancestors.


Lu Yuan looked at the phone, it was a message from the headquarters.

He felt that the man in a wheelchair must have a close relationship with Country R, ​​otherwise he would not have hidden his assets in Yueshi Mountain in Country R, ​​so he reported the news to his superiors and has been waiting for a reply from his superiors.

——Go back home immediately.

Lu Yuan frowned tightly, he didn't expect the message from his superiors to be an urgent recall.

Lu Yuan: I'm in country R, ​​and I can't go back to my country for the time being.


——Little Taotie, Hua Jinyan, Dangerous!

Lu Yuan called immediately, but was hung up.


——Take them back home quickly!danger!


"Those kidnappers are so bad, they don't even give them food, and I don't know how long they've been hungry!" Along the way, the little glutton was indignant.

Little Taotie has suffered from hunger, so he naturally knows how uncomfortable it is to be hungry. Looking at the three or four-year-old girl, she will recall her life in the mountains, and her heart will be filled with panic.

"It's their luck to meet you." Hua Jinyan said with sincere emotion.

No one can imagine what would have happened to these children if they hadn't met Xiao Taotie. They might have been resold by middle-aged women, or they might have been locked up in a homestay until they starved to death because no one wanted them...

Little Taotie said in a muffled voice, "Why do people betray others, I don't understand at all."

"If there is a need, there will be a sale."

"Is that young couple unable to have children? Just like the parents in the mountains, so they want to buy a child?"

"may be."

"But the parents in the mountains had children later..." Little Taotie lowered his eyes.

Hua Jinyan stretched out his hand and held Xiao Taotie's hand tightly: "Everything is over."

Little Taotie raised his head and forced a smile: "Yes, it's all over."

"It doesn't look good when you smile like that."

"Hmph." Little Taotie looked away, "Then don't watch."

Although she looked away, she didn't shake off Hua Jinyan's hand.

Hua Jinyan gently tugged at her hand.

Little Taotie hummed twice: "What are you doing?"

"In the future, I will be doing a research on implanting a chip. Every newborn may be implanted with a chip to prevent getting lost and abducted."

"Won't it be harmful to the body?"

"I don't know, it's still in the experiment."

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​doing such a study?"

Hua Jinyan looked at her deeply: "Because you don't want children to be trafficked, and you don't want children to be separated from their parents."

Little Taotie's face was hot, and he pursed his lips: "I never told you, how do you know?"

"Because I know you."

"You're a roundworm!" Little Taotie hummed twice, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, the dimples were deeply sunken, and his eyebrows and eyes were curved.

Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan bought some porridge, corn, etc. Those children had been hungry for too long and couldn't eat too greasy food, so they only had light food to fill their stomachs temporarily.

When they returned to the homestay with the porridge, the two were stopped by someone.

Little Taotie raised his head, feeling that the two looked familiar.

Hua Jinyan did recognize the person.

They are the two instructors at the base, the instructors who teach children aged fifteen or sixteen.

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