"Are you sent by Uncle Bailu to continue following us?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, with malicious intentions hidden in that smile.

Hua Jinyan clenched little Taotie's hand and backed away.

Little Taotie vaguely felt that something was wrong, and looked at the two suspiciously.

One squatted down and looked at the little one in front of him with interest.

"I heard that this little girl is very strong, and she is still a little star? I saw her cuter today than she said in the rumors. Is such a cute little girl really capable of carrying a thousand catties?"

Another joked: "Let her perform one."

"I don't have a thousand catty cauldron, but the iron bumps on my wrists are a bit heavy to practice my arm strength."

As he spoke, he took off the bracelet and threw it directly at the little Taotie.

Caught off guard, Little Taotie hastily stretched out his hand to catch it.

It looks like an ordinary iron bracelet, but its weight is dozens of times heavier than ordinary precious metals.

The little gluttonous grandma glared fiercely at the instructor.

When the instructor threw the bracelet over, he wasn't sure whether she could catch it. Obviously, he didn't care about her safety at all, regardless of whether it would hurt her or not.

From this point of view, this is definitely not the person Uncle Bailu sent to protect himself and Huahua!
But he is obviously the instructor of the base, why is he a bad guy?
Little Taotie stared at the tops of their heads, his little brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

She didn't see the blooming bouquet, all she saw was a thick fog.

"It's unbelievable that you actually caught it!"

The instructor applauded, reached out and easily snatched the bracelet back.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to grab it, and when he caught nothing, he opened his eyes wide, feeling extremely annoyed, feeling that he was too weak and dull.

The instructor smiled and played with the bracelet: "Are you here to look for treasures in Country R?"

Little Taotie was stunned.

She suddenly remembered that Uncle Bailu said that Uncle Tie would have an accident, and that there was a traitor in the organization.

...These two people in front of you can't be traitors, right?
Little Taotie immediately became alert, stepped back, and instinctively approached Hua Jinyan.

I don't know where they got the news. They know that she and Huahua are here to find the treasure.

Do you want to get those treasures?

Anyone who wants to steal her money will fight her hard.

Little Taotie clenched his fists, and stared at the person in front of him: "Are you here to grab the treasure with us?"

"Hey, pretty alert. So what?"

The instructor standing beside him locked his eyes on Hua Jinyan, and he felt the danger from this little boy.

Before the two came, they investigated the information of Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan, and knew that Xiao Taotie could see Ah Piao with great strength.

I also know that Hua Jinyan was born with a bad body and recruited those unclean things. It is because of the legendary colorful relics that he has the ability to protect himself.

In the final analysis, it was just relying on external force. If the relic was destroyed, the child would not be able to protect himself.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked at each other, and their first reaction was to turn around and run away.

Regardless of whether these two are traitors or not, they don't know their strength at all. After all, they are the instructors of the base, so they must have some housekeeping skills, so it's better not to force them.

Go back and find Uncle Bailu first, ask them about their details and abilities, and then it's not too late to come back and settle accounts with them.

"Little thing, you can't escape."

One of the tall instructors reached out and grabbed the little Taotie by the back collar, and the little Taotie was lifted up like a chicken, kicking his legs in the air.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

At the same time, another person snatched the relic in Hua Jinyan's hand, threw it on the ground, and crushed it with one foot.

Lift your feet and the wind blows away the particles, leaving nothing behind.

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