Feng Qi was stunned for a moment, but then suddenly said: "You have set up another layer of traps in the killing array?"

Hua Jinyan nodded.

Feng Qi sighed: "The routine is still—"

Hoo hoo, it's dangerous!
Feng Qi looked up at the thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and the moment she reacted to shut up, they gradually dissipated again.

"What?" Little Taotie tilted his head and asked in doubt.

Feng Qi smiled, and naturally she wouldn't say "Shangshen", but lied and said: "There are still many routines who have attended elementary school!"

Little Taotie was suspicious: "Are you lying?"

"How could it be? What am I going to lie to you?"

"Hmph, you're lying anyway, I can see it!"

Feng Qi complained in her heart: The child grows up, and it is getting harder and harder to fool around!
Little Taotie shook the horse-faced bell: "If you don't tell the truth, you won't be allowed in."

Feng Qi pointed to the sky with her claws: "Did you see the thundercloud just now?"

Little Taotie frowned: "Just for a while."

"That's because I shut up and didn't say anything, otherwise it wouldn't have been a while, but it would have been chopped down directly."

"So you are indeed a liar!"

"That's not the point, is it?"

"Hmph!" Little Taotie hid the horse-faced bell in the pink crystal box: "You are not allowed to go back today."

"Can I go back tomorrow?"

Little Taotie didn't answer.

"If you don't answer, you're acquiescing. That's fine. If you don't go back today, you won't go back. I'll go in tomorrow to catch up on sleep."

Feng Qi lay on the ground as if lying dead: "I sleep here, with the sky as my quilt and the ground as my mat."

Little Taotie: "..."

Feng Qi closed the fox's eyes, and wrapped herself inside with the big fiery red tail.

Little Taotie looked at the red dumpling lying motionless on the ground, and frowned, feeling extremely troubled in his heart.

She took the horse-faced bell out of the pink crystal box, and her little voice was full of helplessness: "Forget it, you'd better go back to sleep."


There was only a flash of red light.

The fire balls on the ground quickly entered the horse-faced bell.

Little Taotie opened his mouth slightly, shocked by Feng Qi's speed.

"Ah—" A cry of pain came from afar.

Xiao Taotie looked over and saw that the direction of the restaurant was a bit chaotic, and many people gathered around the door to watch the excitement.

Little Taotie grabbed Hua Jinyan's hand and trotted over to watch the fun.

They squeezed into the crowd, and because they were small, it was easy to get in.

In the store, two men were wrestling together, one of them was bleeding from the head, and the other was also bloody with a chopstick stuck in his eye.

Little Taotie was surprised: "It's those two bad guys!"

Hua Jinyan narrowed his eyes: "It seems that they were trying to find the eyes of the formation, but the formation failed, and they were poisoned instead."


"A hallucinogenic substance, extracted from wild fungi."

"Why did they fight?"

"The hallucinogenic effect is difficult to determine which hallucinations appear, it may be that the other party is regarded as an enemy."

Little Taotie covered his mouth and laughed secretly: "Dog bites dog, mouth hair."

"Let's go back first and let Uncle Lu come over to clean them up."

"Okay! No, wait!"

Hua Jinyan paused: "What's wrong?"

"The porridge is cold, let's buy some warmer ones, they have been hungry for a long time, they can't eat cold things, they will have diarrhea."

Hua Jinyan nodded: "I'll go buy it, you wait here for me."

"No, no, let's go together, what if we meet bad guys again?"

"it is good."

Little Taotie held Hua Jinyan's hand tightly: "We can't separate, hold my hand tightly and don't let go!"

"it is good."

The two squeezed out of the crowd just after buying porridge, and wanted to go back to find Lu Yuan, but Lu Yuan was outside the crowd, and seemed to want to squeeze in.

"Uncle Bailu, aren't you taking care of those children at the homestay? Why are you here?"

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