"I got news that you will be in danger, are you all right?"

"It was indeed dangerous just now, Uncle Bailu, you came late, the danger has been eliminated."

"what's going on?"

Little Taotie stretched out his hand and waved to him, mysteriously.

Lu Yuan moved over curiously.

Little Taotie grabbed his arm and dragged him into the restaurant, "Come and watch the show!"

Lu Yuan probed into the store and saw a scene that shocked him.

These two are one of the best players in the base, even if he and Lao Tie join forces, it may be difficult to defeat one of them.

Now, these two masters are actually scuffling together in the crowded corridor of this small shop.

One eye is blind, the other head is broken, and the appearance can be said to be very miserable.

Little Taotie pointed with his little fleshy finger: "That's them!"

"They..." Lu Yuan bitterly.

If both are moths, how many moths are there in the tissue?
"They want to grab the treasure with us!" Little Taotie exclaimed angrily.

Lu Yuan's eyes darkened a bit.

The assets of the man in the wheelchair fell into the hands of Xiao Taotie. There are not many people who know about this matter, and all who can know are the superiors...

Lu Yuan took a deep breath: "Go and deliver food to those children first, here... I will handle it."

"Okay! I'll leave it to you!"

Little Taotie waved at Lu Yuan: "Uncle Bai Lu, come back early!"

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan went back with hot porridge, those children were so hungry that they poured some hot porridge into their mouths regardless.

"Slow down, don't worry, there are still a lot, it's too hot, blow on it before eating..."

No matter how little Taotie tried to persuade them, they still drank hurriedly and did not slow down at all.

Little Taotie supported his forehead, he had no choice but to bring over the cold porridge, poured the cold porridge into their bowls and mixed it with the hot porridge, and let them continue to drink when the temperature was right.

The porridge was not so hot, and they drank it more happily, and some even coughed and choked.

Little Taotie is a qualified big sister, she would persuade someone who made up too quickly, and handed a tissue to someone who coughed...

Lu Yuan came back alone, and his complexion has not been very good.

Little Taotie saw that those brothers and sisters seemed to be frightened, and hurried to Lu Yuan's side, and said in a childish voice, "Uncle Bai Lu, don't keep your face on, you are so fierce, you have scared everyone."

Lu Yuan reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth, that smile was uglier than bitter.

He lost contact with his superiors, the superiors did not respond to messages, and the phone calls could not be reached. Maybe...something has happened.

Perhaps, that "dangerous" message was the last text message sent by the superior.

He didn't know who he could trust, and he didn't know who to hand over the two instructors, so he could only feed them medicine and lock them up in a nearby hotel. After the matter here was resolved, he would go back and interrogate them.

"How can we help them find their parents?" Little Taotie asked.

Lu Yuan: "I have already contacted the police in country R, ​​and they will help. Local children in country R should be able to find a home quickly, and it may be difficult for children from other countries."

The police from Country R came. On one trip, they took away many children one after another. The first batch of them took away the children of Country R, ​​and the second batch was taken away by their parents who reported their disappearance...

It was dark and only three children were left.

One is a young girl who likes to cling to little Taotie, a Chinese native, and the other two are boys of mixed race.

"Go to bed first." Little Taotie coaxed his younger sister to sleep.

The little girl wept softly under the quilt, her voice was very soft, for fear of disturbing the little Taotie.

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