The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2017 The sea water in the middle of the night is very ice

Little Taotie: "Then why do you still use this medicine?"

Lu Yuan sighed: "They are not simple, there will be various ways to escape or accidents during the interrogation process."

Hua Jin said: "The person is still tied up after waking up, try it."

Lu Yuan complied.

Put away all medications and hazardous materials.

One person was about to wake up, but he couldn't get up for a long time.

"Pretending to be sleeping?" Little Taotie was puzzled.

"It should have woken up, but it hasn't fully woken up yet."

Time passed, and the instructor, who was in a coma due to drugs, woke up.

They try to bite their back molars.

The poison that was originally in the molars had been replaced long ago.

"Who sent you here?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Ha ha."

"We won't tell."

"If you don't tell me, I can't help it."

The two were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that the other party would not even try to persuade them to stay.

"If you don't say it, it's useless to keep it."

"Are you going to let us go?"

"Do you really let us go so easily?"

Lu Yuan smiled: "Of course I won't let you go, you are useless, you can deal with it."

"Are you going to kill us?"

"You have to think about it clearly, we have an accident, and you have no good fruit to eat."

Lu Yuan lowered his face: "Are you threatening me? Or, if you die, the people behind you will show up to help you take revenge?"

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

The two were bundled and sent to the trunk of the car, and the car drove continuously to the beach.

The sea in the middle of the night is also the color of the night, weird and mysterious, no one knows what is at the bottom of the sea.

Like dead pigs being dragged, the two of them dragged along the ground from the trunk of the car until they reached the beach.

"What are you doing!"

"Obviously, throwing away the corpse, oh no, you don't count it as a corpse."

"Lu Yuan! You don't want to live! If something happens to us, the people behind us won't let you and your family go, and you don't want to hurt your family, do you?"

Lu Yuan laughed: "You are all dead, do you really think that those behind you will reveal their identities for the sake of you little fellows?"

"He thinks highly of us!"

"It is valued because you are alive, and you are valuable when you are alive, but once a person dies, the tea is cold, and there is nothing worth using after death. It is cold when it is cold."

"You're crazy!" an instructor screamed, because he had been picked up by Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan seemed to throw him into the sea at any time.

The sea in the middle of the night is like a dormant monster, and the waves splash out like countless minions sticking out.

"Ah—help me! I can't swim!"

"You must be tired of work, you really threw him into the sea!" Another person yelled: "You will be miserable! He will definitely not let you go!"

"Stop arguing, you can't guarantee that you are still arguing here."

Lu Yuan picked him up as well, ready to throw him out at any time.

This person is much calmer, because he can swim.


The man also fell into the water.

He found that his hands and feet were numb with ice when he fell into the water.

"You're drugged!"

"You drugged us again, injected us with something! Why can't I swim! Help!"

"Go down and drown and pull down!"

"No! Help me!"

"Tell me, who sent you to catch Little Taotie?"

"No—can't say—"

The two were dying and were about to be swallowed by the sea, but they still didn't say anything.

Seeing that the two were really about to drown, Lu Yuan had no choice but to save them.

The two of them were thrown on the beach like two salted fish, they gasped weakly and spit out a lot of water.

Lu Yuan's voice was dull: "Who is it? Let me guess."

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