"Not even afraid of death, but afraid of the consequences of betraying him, I think he is a ruthless person."

"There are not many people in our base who are truly ruthless."

"Chen, Wang, Zhao, Sun..."

"Are these surnames?"

Lu Yuan spoke slowly, observing the expressions of the two of them all the time, and when he said Wang and Sun, their pupils changed slightly.

However, it cannot be judged from this that the surname is Wang or Sun. There is also the possibility of intentionally revealing flaws and deliberately misleading the direction of investigation.

The two instructors were sent back to the car, soaked and dried, so both of them caught a cold.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan went up to Yueshi Mountain again, this time they went straight to the stone table in the gazebo on the top of the mountain.

The last time the two had discovered that the number of holes on the stone table was the same as the number of keys.

The key was inserted into every hole in the surface of the stone table, but it could not be turned at all.

Little Taotie scratched his head: "Why can't it turn?"

"Maybe there is an order in turning the keys." Hua Jinyan studied the surroundings of each hole.

Little Taotie wanted to help at first, but after looking at it for a long time, he couldn't see any difference. In the end, his eyes were almost cross-eyed, and he sat on the stone bench in a bad posture.

Seeing that she was losing patience, Hua Jinyan said with a smile, "You rest for a while, I'll come looking for you."

The little Taotie was distracted, and occasionally looked up at the birds, and occasionally stared at the table for a long time.

She didn't know how long it took, Hua Jinyan fiddled with this key for a while, and fiddled with that key for a while. With his unremitting efforts, a key could be turned, but after turning it a few times, it couldn't move.

After repeated operations many times, Hua Jinyan remained patient.

Little Taotie yawned, and was about to say that I would sleep for a while, when he heard a "click", the key could be turned, and after turning the key, the table turned.

After the table turned, a channel appeared at the bottom.

Little Taotie wanted to go down to find out, but was stopped by Hua Jinyan.

Hua Jinyan took a flashlight and pointed it down, but it was too deep and too dark to see to the bottom.

Little Taotie picked up a small stone, threw it down, and listened attentively.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement.

Little Taotie opened his mouth in surprise, and said dumbly, "It's so deep, I can't hear a sound."

Hua Jinyan said in a deep voice, "It's too dangerous to go down rashly."

Little Taotie rolled his eyes and said, "Then let's go back first and think of a way."

When Hua Jinyan was about to pull out the key, Little Taotie suddenly jumped into the passage.

There is a setting similar to a slide at the entrance of the channel, so even if it is very deep, it only takes a while to slide down to the end.

Hua Jinyan didn't expect Little Taotie to divert his attention, and then suddenly jumped down the passage.

Little Taotie has already gone down, and Hua Jinyan can't stay on it alone.

He called out Lu Yuan who was hiding in the dark: "Two hours, if we don't come up, you find a way to save us."

He was worried that there was no signal below, and if he was trapped below, it would become a call for no response every day.

Hearing this, Lu Yuan was not at ease: "Are you going down too?"

"I can't let her take risks down there alone."

"This is a signal amplifier. As long as there is a trace of signal down below, we can get in touch."

Hua Jinyan took it, "Thank you very much."

Hua Jinyan didn't delay any longer, and jumped directly into the passage. The slide was very fast, and it reached the bottom in just over a minute.

Fortunately, Little Taotie hadn't gone far, and was looking at a mural at the moment.

Hua Jinyan walked over lightly and looked at the painting.

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