Little Taotie looked back vigilantly, and was relieved when he saw that it was Hua Jinyan.

"Why did you come down?"

"I don't trust you."

"There's nothing to worry about, I'm fine at all."

"That's why I'm a little scared up there alone, so I came down to find you."

"Like the little lion, they are clingy." Little Taotie stuck out his tongue and ran to the other side to study other murals.

The murals here are like comic strips with stories.

Hua Jinyan frowned and looked, the first painting was the sun and the moon shining together, a picture of a man holding an ax to open up the world.

At first one would think that it was Pangu who created the world, but the second mural shows the birth of twins and the man holds them in his arms.

The third mural is a cemetery, a man carrying a child to the grave.

Then there is the fourth picture Xiao Taotie is looking at now. In the picture, a boy climbs a tree, and a boy sits below and looks up at the big tree, or at his brother on the tree.

"Do you think this boy looks familiar?" Little Taotie pointed to the boy sitting on the chair.

Hua Jinyan nodded.

"You also think it looks familiar! Then it's not that I'm thinking too much, this person is a wheelchair villain!"

"If this place really contains his assets, the boy in this painting should be him."

"That's right! I almost forgot that I came to find the treasure! Don't read it."

Little Taotie no longer looked at the murals, but searched everywhere.

In fact, the area here is not too big, and it can be seen at a glance.

Hua Jinyan did not look for it, but continued to look at the murals.

The boy on the tree fell down, and the boy sitting on the chair hurriedly stood up to help him, but the boy who fell on the ground jumped up, still alive and kicking, and he put his body first.

It can be seen from the mural that the wheelchair man's legs and feet were not very good at that time.

On the mural, there is a picture of a man in a wheelchair climbing up a tree. He climbed up the tree with great difficulty, using a small saw, and sawing the branches little by little, but did not cut them off.

The next day, another boy fell from the tree again.

Not so lucky this time, and in the next mural, the boy lay on the hospital bed until he died.

During the period, the man in the wheelchair on the mural said something to him, and the boy on the hospital bed became more and more depressed, secretly hid the medicine, and finally had a high fever until he died.

After the boy died, the wheelchair man became the only child in the family.

Originally because he was frail and crippled by nature, his parents didn't care much about him, and they cared more about the other child.

In the next mural, the parents gave him all the love, including the care that the lost child deserved.

The screen stops at a family photo.

The parents above are old and gray-haired, while the wheelchair man is sitting in the wheelchair, but there is a boy beside him, who looks like a dead boy, and looks the same as he was when he died.

Hua Jinyan felt a little strange, and frowned even tighter.

Little Taotie searched for a long time, but did not find any treasure. The place was empty, except for the murals.

She knocked around, and the ground and walls were all solid.

Little Taotie wiped his hands with a wet paper towel, and said dejectedly, "There are no treasures here."

"here has."


Little Taotie's eyes lit up: "Did you find it? Where is it?"

Hua Jinyan pointed to the mural.

Little Taotie blinked his eyes and stared at the mural, but couldn't see anything.

"Where is the treasure? Are you kidding me?"

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