After hanging up the phone, Xiao Taotie was still a little confused.

There is too much information, and my little brain froze a bit.

Hua Jin said, "Bai Shuang's phone number?"

Because the phone was very loud, the voice of the person on the other end of the phone could be vaguely heard.

Little Taotie nodded: "It's Bai Shuang."

Cai Cai floated out of the horse face bell.

"You came out just in time, she has already come out of your body, occupying the body of a princess."

"Then my physical body... is ruined?"

"It should be in a coma, I'll take you back to Country R."

Hua Jinyan objected: "No."

They had finally come back from country R, ​​and now going back would be like a sheep falling into the jaws of a tiger.

"It's okay, I'll go secretly, no one will recognize me after I squeeze the bone."

"I'll take her there, you stay in Huaguo."

"It's the same if you go or go." Little Taotie frowned.

"You don't need to accompany me, I can go back by myself." Cai Cai laughed: "I don't even need to buy a ticket for flying now."

Little Taotie was not at ease, and asked Feng Qi's apprentice to accompany her.

The little Taotie dragged Hua Jinyan to an open place where he could see all directions.

She talked about the content of the phone.

Hua Jinyan asked: "She refused to cooperate with Xuannv, and wants to cooperate with you?"

"She said that she had been betrayed by Xuannv once, and she didn't want to trust Xuannv again. She thought I was a person with great luck, and wanted to cooperate with me to gain some luck."

"She's quite honest."

Little Taotie nodded his head: "What you say is the truth, I just have good luck."

Hua Jinyan glanced at her, his eyes doting: "Aren't you afraid that she will fool you?"

"Probably not, she said that she can let me imprint a mark on my soul."

"The mark of master and servant?"

Little Taotie shook his head: "The seal of friendship."

"Except for the master-servant mark, other marks are useless."

Little Taotie covered her mouth and laughed: "I think so too, so I told her that I want to imprint the seal of master and servant, otherwise I won't cooperate."

Hua Jinyan raised his eyebrows slightly: "She agreed?"


"Since you don't agree, there is no need for cooperation."

"That's what I said too!"

"What did she say?"

"She said she wanted to think about it, and then I hung up the phone. Oh, by the way, she also said that Xuannv is here, and she may have taken away someone from our side and is lurking beside me."

Hua Jinyan was puzzled: "Since Xuannv is very powerful, why don't you be more direct and beat around the bush if you want to deal with you?"

Little Taotie shrugged: "It seems to be afraid of the sky."

She pointed to the sky: "It always likes thunder, maybe Xuannv is also afraid of being struck by lightning."

There was a sound of thunder, as if responding to Little Taotie's words.

She withdrew her finger, not daring to point to the sky.

Little Taotie stuck out his tongue: "It's so fierce!"

Hua Jinyan glanced at the sky, a white cloud and a dark cloud were entwined, as if they had turned into a huge iron-eating beast.

The iron-eating beast cloud rolled a few times, and then drifted away.

Vaguely looks like... slipping away!

Little Taotie groaned and said, "It must be that panda! It was afraid of you, so it ran away. A narrow-minded panda, if I say a word to it, it will thunder and scare me. It's really bad!"

Hua Jinyan thought it was funny, and reached out to touch her head.

Little Taotie dodged and glared at him angrily: "I said it all, don't touch your head all the time, I won't grow taller!"

Hua Jinyan withdrew his hand and nodded with a smile: "I remember."

"Hmph! You forget every time, you can't remember at all!"

After dinner, a phone call came.

Little Taotie: "It's Baishuang."

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