The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2033 Zai Zai opens the live broadcast room again

Hua Jinyan nodded, but did not speak.

Little Taotie answered the phone.

Bai Shuang didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "I agree."

"You don't regret it? That's the mark of master and servant. You will call me master in the future."

"No regrets."

Bai Shuang has regretted many, many things in this life, in her last life, and the whole life. The most regretful thing is that she was used by Xuannv to provoke Xiao Taotie and God of War.

Now, she felt that she was very sober, and there was no time to be more sober.

"Then when shall we meet?"

"I can't leave Country R."

"Then I come to Country R?"

"No, I know you have been here before and were chased by the police."

"how do you know?"

"You forgot, I am the princess here."

"Then how do we meet?"

"I will seize an animal, and I will come to you when the time comes."

Little Taotie was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you going to be a princess?"

Bai Shuang complained: "The princess here is not as good as a dog."

Bai Shuang seized a dog, which explained the truth that a princess is inferior to a dog.

Little Taotie fell into a dream for several days in a row, and every time he dreamed of a giant white beast, it became more real.

She felt that it might not be too far before the little white beast woke up.

"I think it's best to donate ill-gotten gains."

Hua Jinyan looked at her suspiciously: "You still want to find the treasure?"

"Yeah! You're so smart!"

"We have found all the ones that can be found, and the others need to be verified by the bank, which is very complicated."

"But the man in the wheelchair is so rich, and there is still so much money that he hasn't received..."

"I'll think of a way."

Little Taotie nodded: "Then I'll start a live broadcast!"

After returning from country R, ​​Xiao Taotie started a live broadcast, which was a bit of comfort to the fans. Although she didn't show her face, she would talk to everyone.

"Recently I learned a new skill."

Hearing this, Hua Jinyan looked over curiously.

Little Taotie took out a microphone, and prepared plastic wrap, perfume, glue beside it...

Hua Jinyan frowned, not seeing any connection between these things.

Little Taotie giggled: "I'm starting a live broadcast!"

In the live broadcast room, the fans cheered.

Little Taotie hadn't even opened her mouth when the fireworks exploded for her.

Little Taotie had no choice but to say, "Everyone, please don't collect presents."

[We like Zai Zai, so we like to show Zai Zai fireworks! 】

[Fireworks are only for cubs! 】

[Cub, do you want to see the castle! 】

A gorgeous pink castle appeared, and a little rabbit hopped on the roof of the castle.

Little Taotie was so cute that he let out a laugh.

This laughter touched the hearts of the fans, and everyone worked harder to collect gifts.

"I told you not to buy gifts, I'm going to be angry!" The little milk's voice was soft, not angry at all.

Little Taotie felt a little tired seeing that everyone was still collecting presents.

The gift was paid with real money, but only half of it was in my hands.

"If you want to swipe gifts, you might as well just donate the money you want to swipe to me in my name! Originally, you swipe to me, and I will donate all of it to me."

[Zai Zai is great! 】

【Zai Zai is so kind! 】

[I love Zai Zai the most, Zai Zai is a good boy with a kind heart! 】

[This way the platform earns half of the money for nothing, right? 】

[It seems that it is not very cost-effective. 】

[Zai Zai, I donated 100 million in your name! 】

[Zai Zai, I donated [-] in your name! 】

[Zai Zai, I don't have much money, so I donated 100. 】

Little Taotie clapped his little hands: "It doesn't matter how much you donate, as long as you don't collect gifts! Now I'm going to show my talent for everyone, I just learned it!"

[Have talents to show up?look forward to! 】

[What a surprise!Zai Zai, come on talent! 】

【looking forward to!I have already held my face and star eyes! 】

"I'm going to start!" Little Taotie set up the microphone and wrapped it with plastic wrap.

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