The Spitz still wanted to resist, but it was a pity that it was too small, and it was difficult for the little Taotie to even get off the high table.

After Xiao Taotie got rid of the naughty puppy, he lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

"Asleep?" Shen Cang was surprised, he didn't expect that she would fall asleep in seconds.

Hua Jinyan glanced at it, narrowed his eyes, and guessed in his heart that the little Taotie should have entered a dream again.

Sometimes Xiao Taotie may not be sleepy, but when the dream comes, and when she is pulled into the dream, she will fall asleep uncontrollably in seconds.

"You still want to continue looking for his assets?" Shen Cang asked, but there was a hint of disapproval in his eyes.

"She needs money."

"Need money? Obviously, every time she has money, she donates it. I can't see that she is short of money at all."

"All she needs to do is get the money and give it away."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky thundered.

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips: "That's all for now."

Facing Shanghua Jinyan's mysterious eyes, Shen Cang raised his head and looked out the window. One second there was still thunder and the next second the sky was clear.

Shen Cang's eyes darkened slightly.

No matter how stupid a person is, he should understand such an obvious weather change.

I'm afraid Hua Jinyan's words just now have leaked the sky's secrets, and the sky will clear up when he speaks in time.

Recalling what he said just now as if he slipped his tongue, "All she needs to do is get the money and then donate it."

Doesn't she need money?The real point is donating money!
What can I get by donating money?Money is empty, what else can you get?
Get compliments?It should not be this.


Yes, contribute the merits gained!
So what Little Taotie really needs is merit!
Shen Cang dipped his finger in the tea and wrote on the table: Merit.

After Hua Jinyan glanced at it, Shen Cang quickly wiped it off with his sleeve.

Hua Jinyan nodded slightly.

Shen Cang completely understood.

It is recorded in ancient books that the reincarnation of a powerful person needs to praise merit, or improve one's cultivation level, or restore one's soul.

I don't know what kind of little gluttonous is it?
Shen Cang took out a card: "The extra money is useless. I'm old and I don't understand the donation process, so I asked her to donate for me."

Hua Jinyan shook his head: "Too little."

Shen Cang was angry: "You don't even know how much money you have, why do you think it's too little?"

Hua Jinyan glanced at the card: "Wealth management cards are divided into grades. Yours is blue, and the grade is not high. The maximum is no more than 500 million."

Shen Cang: "... 300 million."

Hua Jinyan shrugged, his eyes light.

Shen Cang felt that he was underestimated.

Hua Jinyan took out a piece of draft paper and handed it over: "This is our initial calculation, the wheelchair man's assets."

Seeing the astronomical figures above, Shen Cang was momentarily dumbfounded.

He didn't have the face to say anything to stop them from finding the wheelchair man's remaining assets.

After all, with his little money, it seems that he may not even be able to afford a decoration in the other party's house.

Shen Cang sighed: "I'm too honest."

Hua Jinyan glanced at him, but said nothing.

Shen Cang was annoyed: "What kind of eyes do you have? Are you questioning my integrity?"

Hua Jin said: "300 million is not a lot for public officials."

Shen Cang was furious: "The money for demolition! Clean money!"

Hua Jinyan stretched out his hand: "You really want to donate? Then give it to me."

Shen Cang: "..."

Aren't you talking about incorruptibility?

Don't you despise your little money?
Why...why do you want it again?
Shen Cang silently put the card back into his pocket, coughing dryly: "I'm getting old, I forgot the password, I'll give it to you when I remember."

Hua Jinyan looked at him indifferently, and gave him a glimpse of his own comprehension.

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