Little Taotie woke up, stretched his limbs comfortably, and found that something was wrong, looked down, and saw that he was actually lying in the ice coffin, and he already had long arms and legs!

"I grew up?"

Little Taotie raised his head and saw the huge phantom on the ice coffin, which was illusory for a moment, materialized for a moment, but as soon as he touched it, it turned into an illusion the next moment, just like a TV with a flickering screen. Not anymore.

Little Taotie climbed out of the ice coffin, saw her current appearance through the ice layer, she had a very pale but extremely beautiful face, with no blemishes in the outline and facial features, it was extremely perfect.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand and looked at his hands.

These hands are no longer white and tender hands, but a pair of slender and slender hands.

She touched her wrist carefully with her hand.

No pulse!

Little Taotie's mouth opened wide, and he was so surprised that his breath became short of breath.

The huge phantom on the ice coffin rushed towards her, scaring the little Taotie, who turned around and ran away, shouting back, "What are you doing?"

The phantom jumped to nothing, and was a bit illusory again.

Little Taotie was afraid that it would attack again, so he ran even further.

She didn't know how long she had been running, but the surrounding scenery changed. It was clear that the previous moment was a world of ice and snow, but the next moment the surrounding illusion turned into a dreamlike fairyland.

The leaves of the huge peach tree are golden, and there is a little bit of green light like fireflies flying around the fruits on the big tree. The peaches are not yet ripe, and each one is small.

Little Taotie tilted his head, not understanding why he was here.

Her consciousness is clear, and she knows that she is in a dream, but she has never walked out of the frozen place thousands of miles away from the ice coffin, and this is the first time she has run out.

"Where is this?" She asked in a low voice.

Taoshu suddenly said: "The Immortal Mirror of Yaochi."

Little Taotie was stunned: "You can talk?"

Taoshu laughed: "Over the long years, I have learned a lot of prophecy, human language, animal language, etc. All things have spirits and sounds."

"Why am I here?"

"Then ask yourself."

"Don't you know why I'm here?"

"Know it, but don't say it."

"Are you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

"Well, Lei likes to chop a big tree like me. Once it hits, it will destroy the thousand-year-old practice and burn it to ashes."

Little Taotie was taken aback: "Then you better not say anything."

"You just have to remember that everything in the world is arranged in the dark."

"In the past, I could only stay near the ice coffin, and at most I would enter a dream within a dream. This is the first time I have walked out of a frozen place."

"Because when the time comes, everything is arranged."

"It's time?"

"Think about it, what has changed recently?"

"Change?" Little Taotie tilted his head and muttered: "It's delicious and delicious, nothing has changed, oh, yes, it seems that I made a fortune and donated it all. The shadow is also materialized, but it is not stable, and it appears from time to time.”

"You know it all in your heart, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" Little Taotie blinked: "So, it's because of Yuanshen? Is the money I donated enough? Enough merits?"

The peach tree shook, the leaves rattled, and small peaches fell to the ground one by one.

Little Taotie exclaimed, "They all fell!"

Taoshu smiled: "No problem, it will always fall."

"But they haven't grown up yet."

"There are too many, and it is impossible to wait for them all to grow. There will always be some unstable ones that will fall and become fertilizer in the ground to supply other fruits on the tree to grow and grow well."

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