Little Taotie blinked: "I think you're talking about something, but it doesn't seem like you're saying anything."

Taoshu smiled: "If you don't understand, you will understand in time. Whatever you can understand, that's what it is."

Little Taotie frowned, sat down on the spot, leaned against the old peach tree, and picked up a peach that fell on the ground: "If the fate of the fallen peach is to become fertilizer, then the fate of this peach will be determined by me." changed."

The peach tree smiled: "Yes, the fate of peaches seems to be like this. If they don't grow firmly, they will be screened from the tree and then become the nourishment for other peaches. But there will always be something special, just like the fate of people, isn't it It is spotless and cannot be changed, and there will always be someone who jumps out of the track."

"Grandpa Taoshu, am I this peach?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Didn't you mean that?" Little Taotie tilted his head, somewhat puzzled.

"What I said, you have your own feelings. Maybe what I said didn't mean that, but what you understood may be what you should have understood."

"You're so profound, I'm a little confused."

"Confused, it's just not time to understand."

Little Taotie: "...that's it."

She opened her mouth and bit down. The peaches were not yet ripe and sour.


Little Taotie grinned: "It escaped from its original trajectory, and it won't become fertilizer, but it may not end well. You see, it was eaten by me."

Tao Shu shut himself off and stopped talking.

Little Taotie stuck out his tongue after eating the sour peaches, his tongue was a little numb.

Taoshu: "It's unpalatable and you can eat it."

Little Taotie giggled: "Eat even if it tastes bad, what can't be wasted, it's better than nothing to eat."

Having experienced an insatiable stomach, Little Glutton never wastes it.

Little Taotie burped: "It's strange, it's just a little peach, how can I be full? I used to eat a lot of things and never get full."

"When you're full, just sleep for a while."

"Grandpa Peach Tree, do you want to take me to Dream in Dream, or send me away?"

Peach tree: "You can't say it, you can't say it."

Little Taotie yawned: "I think it must be a dream within a dream."

The leaves of the peach tree rustled: "What you say is what you say."

Little Taotie opened his eyes, and lay down on the big feather bed again, the same chubby little white beast.

Feng Qi jumped up and patted the little white beast with its big tail: "Let's go, let's go to Yaochi to eat peaches!"

"Eat peaches?"

"No way, no way? You forgot?"

"What should I remember?"

"Are you really amnesiac? Yaochi celestial peaches are ripe, and it takes a hundred years to ripen. If you miss this time, you will have to wait 100 years to eat it! Get up quickly, don't dawdle!"

"Is it the peaches of Grandpa Peach Tree?"

"What are you mumbling about?"

"It's nothing."

"Hurry up and turn into a human form, the heavens won't let us go like this." Feng Qi transformed into a beautiful girl with red hair and red clothes.

The identity of her going to heaven is Qingqiu Diji as a guest.

And Little Taotie transformed into a cute little girl, about 6 years old.

Little Taotie sighed: "Why am I still a child?"

"Aren't you always like this? When your cultivation base improves, you can become an adult."

Xiao Taotie's current identity is the mount of the God of War, but he was actually more respected than Qingqiu Diji.

"Let's go this way, the two gatekeepers at Nantianmen are too fierce."

Feng Qi took her to Yaochi by detour.

Little Taotie saw a place that looked familiar, like a frozen place before it was frozen.

"There are a lot of people!" Feng Qiyao saw a lot of people standing beside the fairy peach tree, "Could they all come to share the peaches? Hurry up, there may be no more people if you arrive late!"

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