Chapter 2048 The same horse face bell

The sleeping little Taotie seemed to have entered a new dream again.

She regained consciousness and was in a misty pool.

She felt chilly all over her body, looked down and was startled.

At this moment, she is not a little beast in vain, not a child, nor a girl, but a bone!
The pool water is not ordinary pool water, but blood water!
"Is consciousness born?"

She heard a voice, and she felt vaguely familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before.

"My flesh and blood with her is my daughter."

"To change your fate against the sky, you still need to do it yourself. If you can truly transcend time and reach that state, maybe everything will change..."

Little Taotie tried his best to listen, but the other party's voice became softer and weaker, and he could no longer hear it.

Little Taotie woke up and lay on the feather bed, Feng Qi was furious: "You take care of God of War, always act as if you owe him a lot."

Little Taotie was stunned: "He's back?"

"I came back and planted a fairy peach tree in the yard, and I left again."

"Where did you go?"

Feng Qi shook her head: "He is a god, how would I know what he is going to do."

Little Taotie noticed that the horse-faced bell was missing, and asked suspiciously, "Where is my horse-faced bell?"

Feng Qi spread her hands: "I didn't take it."

"Then where did it go?"

Feng Qi kindly reminded: "God of War."

"Took it by the god of war? What did he do with my horse face bell?"

"He thought it was me who gave it to you, I thought it was him who gave it to you, but in the end we found out that none of us gave it to you, there is only one possibility, it was really given to you by that lingering, unbeatable Ah Piao."

Little Taotie squeezed her hand nervously: "Did you tell him about Ah Piao?"

Feng Qi shrugged: "Can I not say it? He was so cold at the time, his eyes seemed to be looking at dead people, I even suspected that if I didn't tell the truth, he would really kill me."

Little Taotie didn't expect Feng Qi to be so cowardly, and asked: "What does he know, what did you say?"

Feng Qi: "I have said everything that can be said. Dare I not tell the truth? Anyway, there is nothing that cannot be said. That Ah Piao is quite weird. I think he should also be made aware of its existence."

Little Taotie rubbed his head: "I feel a little pain in my head."

God of War found King Mamian Ming, and without further ado, he took out the horsemian bell to show him.

King Ming: "This thing is indeed mine, but I didn't pass it on to anyone else."

Saying so, King Ming took out the horse face bell.

God of War inspected the horse-faced bell that King Ming had brought out, and King Ming was inspecting the horse-faced bell that King Ming had brought out. After the two checked it out, they couldn't help but look up at each other, and a flash of shock flashed in their eyes at the same time.

Even if it is an ordinary magic weapon, it is impossible to be exactly the same.

It is impossible for any craftsman to forge exactly the same magic weapon.

What's more, this belongs to the natal weapon of King Ma Mianming, and it is even more impossible for two of them to be identical.

King Ming was puzzled: "How could it be exactly the same?"

God of War frowned tightly: "There is only one possibility."


"They were originally the same thing."

"This..." King Ming's eyes changed rapidly, and he took two steps back: "You mean...the same thing, different time and space, past, future, present..."

God of War: "In addition to this reason, can you think of a second reasonable reason?"

Naturally it cannot.

It was precisely because there was no other reasonable reason other than this that Duke Ming could not accept it.

"Past" is impossible, because horse-faced bells belong to the growth category, and there were no lines before.

"Now" is in his hands, so what God of War brings is "future".

(End of this chapter)

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