The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2049 Don't Go, Let's Discuss Again

Chapter 2049 Don't Go, Let's Discuss Again
That is to say... In the future, will I lose my natal fairy artifact?
There is only one possibility for the loss of the natal fairy artifact, and that is that you have fallen!

King Ming took a deep breath and asked, "God of War, where did you get this?"

"In the hands of my mount."

"That soft and cute little beast?"

God of War frowned, and didn't like others talking about her like that.

King Ming coughed dryly: "Please also tell God of War, where did God of War get his mount?"

"Give her the unknown immortal spirit body."

"Unknown? Indestructible? Spiritual body?"

God of War looked at the horse-faced bell that belonged to Little Taotie that King Ming held in his hand: "There are undead from other worlds inside."

King Ming shakes the horse-faced bell, he is the original owner of the horse-faced bell, so the horse-faced bell is very face-saving, obeys his command, and sends those Ah Piao out of the bell.

The ghost servants trembled.

King Ming looked at these spirit bodies, except for one man and one woman who were special, the others were very ordinary.

"Where do you come from, why are you in the horse face bell?"

A man and a woman are Feng Qi's apprentice husband and wife.

In order to get a more accurate answer, King Ming placed the two spirit bodies in two different domains and asked them separately.

King Ming used the power word technique, even if they didn't want to tell the truth, they could only be forced to tell the truth.

"That is to say... your mount is no longer your mount, oh no, it is also your mount, a future mount?" Duke Ming rubbed his temples: "Will I appear in another world and become her master? I don't like to accept disciples, how could I accept disciples..."

God of War's face was gloomy, and he kept pursing his lips.

King Ming muttered for a long time, and concluded: "That is to say, your mount will die and be reincarnated, and I will also die and be reincarnated?"

The god of war was terribly cold.

King Ming sneezed.

For many years, he didn't feel cold anymore.

God of War arrived today, not only did he feel cold, but he also sneezed, it was a long time ago.

King Ming coughed dryly: "We now know the future, maybe we can change the future."

God of War looked at him lightly, turned around and left.

King Ming held two horse-faced bells in his hand, and was a little at a loss: "Give you one bell?"

God of War said coldly: "No need."

He didn't want his little girl to keep other people's things, let alone such personal things.

"Don't go, let's discuss it again? This is about the future..."

God of War has disappeared.

King Ming sighed: "I still need to re-cultivate? Am I not strong now? Why do I need to re-reform? How difficult it is to re-reform! How can I be so reluctant to accept apprentices? Apprentices are still God of War's mount, how troublesome is this?"

God of War returned to the castle, saw Feng Qi was still there, and gave her a chasing look.

Feng Qi: "..."

Feng Qi also wanted to pretend that she didn't understand, but the air around her felt solidified, and she could guess that if she didn't leave, the God of War would throw her out.

Feng Qi could only reluctantly bid farewell to Little Taotie.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to hold Feng Qi, but Feng Qi ruthlessly threw him away.

Feng Qi's eyes were reluctant to part, but the movement of shaking off her hands was also clean and neat.

Little Taotie: "..."

"Don't look, she has already returned to Qingqiu."

"Ah? So fast?"

Ares squinted his eyes at her.

Little Taotie felt uncomfortable being watched, and his little hands were ready to move, wanting to take off the mask of God of War to see what God of War looks like.

She looks well-behaved and a little cowardly, but she is really brave and really naughty.

Hands are faster than brains, and the mask is already on!
(End of this chapter)

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