Raising his hand quickly, Little Taotie held a mask in his hand, with a triumphant smile on his face.

It's just that the smile didn't last long, it froze on his face.

Under the mask, is a mask.

Little Taotie slightly opened his small mouth, his face full of shock: "You still wear a mask under the helmet, aren't you stuffy?"

God of War stretched out his hand and fetched something from the air.

The helmet returned to God of War, and God of War put it on: "The helmet fell off involuntarily, and this mask will appear automatically, and I don't usually wear it at the same time."

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at him, and asked, "Are you ugly?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"If it's not ugly, if it's not inferior, why wear a helmet?"

"Is that all you want to see my face?"

"Yes I do."

Little Taotie pointed to himself: "Do you want to see how I grow up? Let's exchange, I'll show you when I grow up, and you show me your face!"

God of War's eyes fluctuated: "I have seen it."

"Have you seen it?"


"See how I grow up!?"


"It's not fair! You've seen me growing up, but I haven't seen what you look like under your helmet! No, you must show me!"

"it is good."

Little Taotie's eyes were shining, full of anticipation.

After waiting for a long time, God of War just stood there without taking off his helmet.

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Why are you in a daze? You agreed to show it to me!"

His hand was on the helmet, as if he would take it off at any time, but the action just stopped there, and there was no further move.

Under Little Taotie's urging eyes, he slowly said, "Before I show you, you should answer me first, are you from the future?"

Little Taotie: "...you know?"

"I have returned the horse-faced bell to King Ming."

"It's mine! You really took it away! Give it back to me quickly, it was given to me by my master! Give it back to me quickly!"

Little Taotie jumped up and grabbed his sleeve and shook it vigorously: "Hurry up!"

Although the little girl is small, she is really strong, and God of War was almost thrown away by her.

God of War stabilized his feet, and sighed: "That's not yours, what do you keep it for? It's King Ming's natal magic weapon, and it should be returned to its original owner."

"Ming Wang..."

Could it be Master?

Little Taotie grabbed him and exerted all his strength: "Take me to see him!"

God of War found that even if he wanted to get rid of it, it was difficult to get rid of it.

The little girl's small hands are like iron tongs.

God of War narrowed his eyes: "It seems that you will be very strong in the future."

Little Taotie straightened his back: "I am very strong, and I can also kung fu, be careful I will beat you!"

She waved her small fists, and she looked fierce.

In the end, God of War had no choice but to take her to find King Ming.

Little Taotie didn't dare to recognize King Ming at first sight.

The master's form has the serious appearance of Teacher Ma, the free and easy appearance of a Taoist priest, and the demeanor of Ma Mian who does not disturb strangers. It is rarely like this now, aloof and full of coercion.

"Is this my future apprentice?" Duke Ming spoke first.

Little Taotie pursed his lips, a little afraid to admit it.

King Ming waved his hands: "Are you scared by my appearance? Tell me, what did you see me like?"

Since he is the apprentice he accepted after his re-cultivation, he should be a reincarnation, right?
The reincarnated body generally does whatever one wants, whether it is free and easy, or cold, and I don't know what it looks like.

Little Taotie raised his head to look at him, saw that he was smiling, and his whole body was not as majestic as before. He took a few steps towards him with small steps, and the little milk voice said softly, "Master is sometimes very serious, and sometimes he is so serious about me. There is no way, you will take me to eat delicious food, and you will also take me to play..."

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