Little Taotie recalled the past bit by bit, and there was a tear in the corner of his eye, "But Master died..."

King Ming sneezed.

This time it's not because of the cold.

Instead, she felt offended. After all, she was her master. When she said her master was dead, she was cursing herself!
King Ming coughed dryly: "I'm living well."

"Are you... really my master?"

Little Taotie looked at him with misty eyes blinking.

This person is somewhat similar to Master.

Is it Master's past?
The master of the previous life?

Looking at him, he looks like a very powerful fairy. Master was a powerful fairy before, so why did he turn into a horse face?

Little Taotie's head was full of question marks, and his eyes became dazed.

These are a pair of beautiful eyes, as if studded with countless stars. When she was confused, those stars seemed to lose their direction and hovered in the depths of her eyes, like a galaxy pouring madly.

King Ming looked at her and immediately scolded her.

He was almost lost in the eyes of this little girl.

Little Taotie was attacked by him, subconsciously backed away, hid behind the God of War, poked out his small head, and secretly glanced at him fearfully.

"Don't be afraid, it's just that there was a little accident just now."

"Accident?" Little Taotie tilted his head and looked at him.

King Ming coughed dryly: "You have some unpredictable abilities, maybe you don't even know it yourself."

"Unpredictable ability?"

"God can be lost."

"Let God get lost?" Little Taotie became even more confused.

God of War frowned: "Master Ming, please make it clear."

King Ming performed the deduction, quickly pinching his fingertips to calculate something, half-closed his eyes.

"The eyes are the windows to the soul. Her eyes come from the soul, and her soul is not from this world. Therefore, she has an unpredictable ability. Instead of looking at each other, the god... will fall."

Little Taotie looked confused: "Gods will fall? If I take a look, will they fall?"

King Ming shook his head: "It was under a certain kind of opportunity."


"Your pupils, double pupils appear, and the rivers of stars in the eyes are turning, when the Milky Way is pouring."

"My pupils?" Little Taotie touched his pocket, only then remembered that the mirror was not here.

"Is there a mirror?"

King Ming created a puddle of water casually, the water floated up and turned into a water mirror, reflecting the appearance of the little Taotie.

Little Taotie stared at his own eyes for a long time, his eyes were a little sore, he blinked to relieve his fatigue, and continued to stare.

In Xiao Taotie's concept, the double pupils should be those ladies who wear contact lenses roll their eyes, and then the pupils and contact lenses are slightly separated, forming the effect of double pupils.

Little Taotie stared at himself in the water mirror for a long time, but he didn't see the effect of double pupils.

"I don't have double pupils." Little Taotie frowned, and looked at King Ming with some sorrow.

King Ming just felt it was funny, shook his head, and put away the mirror, "It's not that you can control it, or maybe you can control it in the future, but you can't control this kind of power now. Just now you showed your double pupils unintentionally. , Let me see your unpredictable ability, my scolding is just to bring you back to your senses, because the power is too strong, before you can master it, you may get lost and be controlled instead."

Little Taotie seemed to understand but not understand.

God of War looked serious.

In King Ming's narration, it can be seen that this ability is equivalent to the ability to destroy gods.

God, would not allow such a threat to exist.

God of War said in a deep voice, "Don't let the fourth person know about this matter."

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