Little Taotie finally came to his senses after hearing the discussions of these immortals, Hua Zhan is the God of War! ! !

Little Taotie's eyes widened, full of shock.

It is really unimaginable that the hateful Hua Zhan is the god of war who will overcome the catastrophe!
and many more!

Hua Zhan's the same as Hua Hua?
Hua Zhan is the God of War...

So the face of the god of war, is it like this?
Huahua, Huazhan, God of War...the three share the same face!

Huazhan = God of War, what about Huahua...

Will Huahua be equal to God of War?

She was so shocked by this terrifying thought that she couldn't move until Qingluan, who had turned into a God of War, walked past her.

Little Taotie remembered that he followed Qingluan here, so he immediately floated to follow.

Qingluan came to a beautiful small building in the backyard.

Unexpectedly, he finally came.

"Xuannv, happy birthday." Qingluan, pretending to be the God of War, handed over a brocade box.

Although she knew Xuan Nu and the others couldn't see her, she was afraid that she would be so shocked that she would make a sound.

Little Taotie listened to Qingluan's words of admiring Xuannv, her little face was puffed up, she knew better than anyone else that this guy was that stinky bird, not God of War at all!
hateful!The stinky bird is actually deceiving people here in the skin of a god of war!
etc!What is Xuannv shy about!
She saw Xuannv take off her veil, revealing a blushing face.

A gust of wind blew past, blowing the veil off Xuannv's face.

Qingluan rolled her eyes and smiled: "It's just a pet. If the hostess doesn't like it, send it away, kill it, and do whatever you want."

The door of the carved beams and painted buildings was pushed open, and a woman covered with a light veil stepped out from the inside, with a bumpy figure and a sacred halo all over her body.

Little Taotie felt that his brain was not enough, and in this scene, it seems... is Xuannv also interested?
But Xuannv didn't know that it was Qingluan in front of her, Xuannv only thought it was the God of War!
So does Xuannv like God of War?

Xuannv raised her eyes, staring at the God of War's eyes with twinkling eyes: "I want you to deal with it yourself."

Xuannv!Is she the Xuannv?
Little Taotie covered his mouth, for fear that the god would see him.

She actually had some doubts that this person was not the God of War, maybe it was because the happiness came too unreal, which made her feel a little illusory.

Before parting, she revealed that if God of War wanted to become a Taoist couple, she would come to the birthday banquet. If she didn't want to, she wouldn't force it. If she didn't come, she knew it.

Xuannv lowered her eyes: "Do you really want to become a Taoist partner with me?"

She floated behind a big tree and hid, sneaking a look at the two people over there.

With a beautiful face, impeccable facial features, and plump apple muscles, she looks like an eighteen-year-old young girl. Who would have thought that this is an old fairy who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

Xuannv sneered: "What about your mount? What are you going to do with it?"

She felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

But when she met God of War's eyes, she knew—it was him!Can't go wrong!

In fact, for this birthday, she sent the invitation letter to God of War in advance, and delivered it to God of War in person.

Qingluan: "Yes."

Qingluan wondered: "What's wrong?"

Qingluan reached out to shake Xuannv's hand, but Xuannv dodged it.

Little Taotie covered his mouth.

After making sure that God couldn't see her, she cautiously approached the two of them so that she could hear their conversation clearly.

She waited for a long time and heard that he went to the battlefield early in the morning.

Xuannv reached out to pick up the helmet of the God of War.

In the past, God of War had long avoided it.

This time God of War didn't move, allowing her to take off the helmet, revealing that handsome expression.

Little Taotie took a deep breath and tightly covered his little mouth.

The face is exactly the same as Hua Zhan, but the scar is gone.

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