Little Taotie was in a daze, she didn't know when Qingluan entered the room, and she didn't know what they were doing in there, she only knew that the birthday banquet was over and Qingluan didn't even come out of this room.

Feng Qi and Shan searched for the little Taotie all over the place, and finally found the sleeping little white beast behind the rockery.

Feng Qi took the little white beast away from the birthday banquet with its big tail.

Because the little white beast was taken away, the little Taotie's soul swished away as if being sucked away by a magnet, and left the small building.

Little Taotie stood in front of the little white beast's bed, hesitating a little.

She is Ah Piao now, it seems that no one can see her except Baibai Xiaoshou and Feng Qi.

"Can I still borrow your body? I want to tell God of War, tell him that Qingluan is pretending to be him!"

Little Taotie tried several times to enter the body of the little white beast, but was bounced away every time.

In the end Xiao Taotie gave up, exhaustion swept over her, and she fell asleep.

She didn't know why she was still sleepy after becoming A Piao.

"It's huge! It's getting bigger and bigger!"

She desperately wanted to tell God of War that Qingluan was pretending to be him!
She rushed to the battlefield, and went to see the basin in the middle of the battlefield, where the two armies fought against each other.

Because the image of Xiao Taotie as a small dumpling is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, soldiers are also used to complaining that it is weak and incompetent and can only be used as a beast for the God of War, almost forgetting that it has a strong bloodline.

One on one!

But when they approached, they were bounced away, and they were shocked by the powerful and majestic power of the little white beast at this moment!
There seems to be a huge transparent barrier around Little Taotie, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to penetrate it.

Some soldiers shouted that the little white beast is not allowed to advance.


Taking a deep breath, it stepped into the basin step by step.

Who would have thought that both God of War and Demon God are him!

The soldiers gathered around and asked Shan, "Lieutenant General, what's wrong with it? Why is it so powerful all of a sudden?"

If calculated according to the content of the Commander's Life Book, then the two of them are God of War's No.1 personality and second personality!
Who is the main personality?
Who is the sub-personality?
A terrifying thought flashed through Xiao Taotie's mind: Demon God...can't be the main personality, right?

Shan said with a sullen face, "Don't forget, it is a mount chosen by the God of War. You underestimate it, but it doesn't mean it is really weak. It is the offspring of Taotie and Suanni. Do you think it will be weak?"

Shan rushed over, trying to stop Little Taotie from entering the basin, but was also mercilessly bounced away.

She has lived beside Hua Zhan for many years, and she can be sure that Hua Zhan is the original personality.

The figures of the two... are surprisingly similar!
Little Taotie was so shocked that he couldn't breathe.

She was too familiar with the other figure. When she turned into a kitten, she slept in his arms for countless days and nights.

Shan stood there, full of disbelief, and murmured: "It's the power of merit, the power of faith, the coercion of a powerful and majestic beast, and... Longwei! What kind of monster is this!"

God of War and Demon God!
The god of war wears a helmet, and the demon god wears a mask with blue faces and fangs.

When she woke up, her fluffy body returned to the body of the little white beast.

"Lieutenant General, it's getting bigger!"

"This breath!" Shan exclaimed.

Everyone looked at the white monster that was getting bigger and bigger. There was a mysterious circular track around it, like the track of a planet in the vast universe, and it seemed that time formed a huge annual ring of time...

"Aw!" it roared to the sky.

Not like a cat, not like a dog, but very unique.

It is in the life book that the kitten named Xiao Wuyong has the unique cry.

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