Chapter 2066 Demon God Recognizes Little Useless

This voice immediately attracted the eyes of both of them.

This scene made the soldiers tremble with fear.

They were afraid that the demon god would be able to destroy the little Taotie with just a few snaps of his fingers.

On the other side of the demon god, the demon army was puzzled for a while. Why did the two of them stop at the same time when the battle was about to break out just now?

The demon god's eyes are very deep.

The white giant looked at him.

"It's you..." The Demon God's voice was hoarse.

He also heard that God of War had a mount, and when he learned that the mount was useless, he made fun of God of War because of it, but at this moment, he suddenly understood why God of War kept the useless mount by his side, and even loved it so much.

It is its reincarnation!
"Come here, it's useless."

The demon god spoke, and that voice was undeniable.

"Aw!" Little Taotie gave him a hard look, and jumped up to the side of God of War.

All feel suffocated.

The air pressure around the Demon God is getting lower and lower...

Some soldiers couldn't stand anymore, they sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

Little Taotie once again yelled at the Demon God: "Get lost!"

Everyone felt suffocated again!
"Bold!" The demon general next to the demon god was extremely angry, and rushed over, wanting to kill the lifeless thing.

Little Taotie slapped it with his paw, and the powerful force of merit dispersed the demonic energy, and the demon general looked at him in disbelief, and the dissipated cultivation level instantly turned into a mortal body.

The most frightening thing is that this claw also contains the power of time.

Time passed while turning into a mortal, he changed from a young man to an old man, and finally fell straight down, this is not the end, his body is decomposing, and finally turned into bones.

"how can that be!"

There was a sound of gasping for breath.

From the camp of the magic army, but also from the camp of the heavens.

Those soldiers who complained about the little Taotie and looked down on the little Taotie on weekdays felt that their necks were a little cold and their backs were covered with cold sweat.

They never imagined that the little white beast they looked down upon on weekdays, the useless little ferocious beast like a kitten, would be so terrifying when it erupted!
Mastering the power of time and the power of merit, I dare not think that it would be very powerful for anyone to have one of them, and this little beast has two!
Fortunately, Xiao Taotie is not one to care about them on weekdays. If they really care about them, they suspect that they would have turned into a pile of bones.

Little Taotie stared round his eyes like a demonstration, his pupils the size of a tomb swept across everyone present, and finally fixed on the Demon God: "Do you dare to fight me?"

The Demon God didn't expect "Little Useless" to become so strong, and he didn't want to lose "Little Useless" again, so naturally he wouldn't agree.

The Demon God turned around and said, "Retreat."

"Are you afraid of me, so you run away?" Little Taotie shouted.

But the demon god has left the basin with the demon army and returned to the camp of the demon army.

Little Taotie stomped his feet angrily, and now his huge body stepped down, shaking the ground.

Little Taotie saw those soldiers spitting blood, quickly retracted his little feet, like a child who has done something wrong, there is no place to put his little claws.

"Go back." Has been gently patted the giant beast's head with his big hand.

Little Taotie raised his eyes to God of War.

She didn't move her paw, just looked at him like this, her eyes were complicated.

God of War smiled wryly: "I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer you when I get back."

"Before that, you have to answer me a question."

"it is good."

"Did you know it was me from the beginning?"

(End of this chapter)

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