Chapter 2068

"I don't understand so many truths. I only know that you play tricks on everyone in the world. When the truth comes out one day, you will be scolded to death."

"At that time, it will be when the God of War and the Demon God don't exist, and when Hua Zhan dies and disappears, since he doesn't exist anymore, he won't be afraid of those infamy."

"You! You're going to piss me off!"

God of War lowered his eyes and reached out to give her a hand.

Little Taotie patted his hand away, still sat on the ground, looked up at him: "You know, I'm not the little white beast."

"Past, present, future. Little useless is the past, white is the present, and you... are the future."

Little Taotie was stunned.

past!Now!future!This... sounds familiar.

Suddenly, she finally understood why she could become so huge, why she triggered the powerful ability in her inheritance memory, why she possessed the power of time, and why she came here with merit.

Is it that the body of the third generation has cultivated... a whole body?
"My cultivation..." Little Taotie checked her cultivation for the first time, and at this moment, she was completely shocked.

Half step God!
In other words, as long as she experiences a divine calamity, she can take the last half step and become a god!

Everything seemed a little too fast, like a dream!


Little Taotie finally remembered that he was in a dream, all of this may be the past, but all of this is also an illusory dream, whether it is cultivation or the power of time, everything is fake.

"This... is just a dream of mine." Xiao Taotie said softly, "In the past, I was useless and died fighting to save China, and the little white beast also died... That's why I, Tao Ti, in the future, exists. "

God of War pursed his lips and remained silent.

Little Taotie's eyes were complicated, and he suddenly asked: "What about Huahua, who is Huahua who has been by Tao Ti's side all the time?"

God of War frowned, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

"It seems that you don't know everything about the future. In the past, when you were small and useless, you were accompanied by Huazhan, and the little white beast was accompanied by you, the God of War. I, Tao Ti... Ever since the dream appeared, Huahua has appeared in the dream. By my side. Can I think that Huahua is you, or the demon god?"

The God of War looked in the direction of the magic army barracks, and murmured: "Maybe, there will be an endless war between me and him. Only one of us can survive, and the one who survives will be the one you meet in the future." , to protect you and accompany you, Huahua."

"Why can't it become Hua Zhan? Why do you have to be separated into two like schizophrenia? You were originally one, weren't you?"

God of War shook his head: "Let me tell you how I became God step by step."

Little Taotie stood up and wiped the ashes off his buttocks, "I want to lie on the bed and listen to stories."


In the end, God of War sat on the edge of the bed and told the story.

He was a little worried that Little Taotie would fall asleep while listening, and coughed dryly: "Are you... sleepy?"

Little Taotie rolled his eyes at him: "It was the first time I killed a demon general with a powerful move, and now I am very weak. Do you think I am sleepy? Otherwise, why would I lie on the bed and listen to you!"

God of War pursed his lips: "Then you go to sleep, I can talk about it tomorrow."

"Come back to me! I want to listen now. If I fall asleep, wake me up!"

In the end, God of War couldn't hold back the little Taotie, so he could only talk about his path to becoming a god, as if he was telling a story to coax a child, and he tried to talk about the past in a calm and calm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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