Chapter 2069
The place where God of War was born was a remote mountain village, and the life in the mountain village was very peaceful and peaceful. When he was seven years old, he went out to herd a cow, and the old cow suddenly ran wildly, and he chased it all the way to a cave.

Just like all the plots of Long Aotian's rise, he got the treasures of heaven and earth in the cave, and the cultivation method to step into the fairyland.

It's just that according to the practice in the pamphlet, he still couldn't draw qi into his body.

On this day, a large number of monks came to the village, saying they wanted to find someone.

He knew in his heart that he must be looking for the skeleton in the cave.When those monks saw the skeleton, they said it was their master uncle.

Because he has made great achievements in leading the way, he said that he felt that he had a destiny, so he wanted to take him away.

His parents and relatives were naturally reluctant, but the monk said that this kind of reluctance would delay the child's future, and so on, so his family had no choice but to agree.

He himself also wanted to leave the small mountain village, and wanted to venture outside, so he left with the monks very excitedly.

But not far from existence, those monks revealed their true purpose.

They didn't want to take him back to the sect at all, but took him out to ask the ancestor if he left anything behind, forcing him to hand it over.

He didn't want to hand it over. Those people threatened their family members, saying that the whole village could be wiped out in an instant.

He was a little scared, but his mind was still clear.

If they could destroy the village, they wouldn't try their best to trick him out, just persecute him in the village, why bother to make up the lie that he has a fairy fate.

He still refused to admit that there was something in the cave, and even when he was threatened, he would not let go. In the end, those monks were also a little unsure.

The monk still brought him back to the sect, and later he found out that the small village had set up a formation, if killing in the village would lead to death, that's why he tricked him out.

Presumably there were immortal cultivators in the village, but it was so long ago that no one in the village remembered it.

He tested his cultivation talent in Zongmen, and it turned out to be Tianlinggen.

He also finally figured out why the cultivation method obtained in the cave could not be cultivated, because it was a cultivation secret book of fire attribute spiritual root.

The years of cultivation are in a hurry, and when he returns to the small village, his parents are already old and his brothers have their own lives. He doesn't want to bother him anymore, leaving his belongings to his parents, which is a complete farewell to the world of mortals.

It's just that he didn't expect that those people didn't give up back then and still believed that there were treasures in the cave.

In fact, he had been in the sect for a long time, and after learning a lot about the cultivation world, he knew that the things he found in the cave were worthless.

But those people seem to be looking for something purposefully.

Back then, those monks had reached a certain level of cultivation and were no longer afraid of the formations in the village, so this time they had no scruples and went directly to the village to use magic to trap all mortals.

They threatened him that if he didn't hand over the things, they would kill one person a day until they killed everyone.

His cultivation base at that time was no match for them, and he could only watch them kill the villagers, but he was helpless.

In the end even his parents were killed. He remembered that when his elder brother’s daughter was killed, his elder brother’s wife yelled angrily, calling him the lone star of Heavenly Evil and the nemesis of the whole village, and asked him why he wanted to come back. Die outside and never come back.

In the end, the whole village was killed by those people, and the whole village disappeared in a fire.

(End of this chapter)

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