Chapter 2070
The god of war broke through at the critical moment of life and death, beheading all those people.

But even if those people were killed with their own hands, the dead relatives and villagers would not be able to come back.

The lone star of the devil!


It's like a spell imprinted on his future life.

There was a sound of even breathing around him, God of War looked down, and saw that the little white beast had already fallen asleep, and there was a suspicious liquid at the corner of its mouth.

The God of War looked in the direction of the sky, and there was a whistling wind, and there was another person beside him.

The Demon God took off the mask with blue face and fangs, revealing a face exactly like the God of War, the only difference is that there is a scar at the corner of the eye.

"Don't go in."

The Demon God was blocked.

"I want to meet her!"

"She fell asleep."

The Demon God stopped in his footsteps and became quiet.

"Let's talk." God of War pointed to the coffee table.

The Demon God snorted coldly, but still walked over and sat down.

There was a chessboard on the coffee table, and the black and white pieces fell on the board, which was a half-assed game.

"This game of chess has been played for thousands of years. How about we finish it tonight?"

Hearing this, the Demon God waved all the pieces on the chessboard into his sleeves.

"Back then, you wanted to play this game of chess, and I played with you! But what about you? You found her, but didn't tell me! You are so unkind, why do I still listen to you!"

With a wave of God of War's sleeve, the black and white pieces fell on the chessboard again, and it was restored.

"Keep your voice down, don't disturb her."

The Demon God, who was aggressive just now, was silent at this moment.

"The chess piece is weak, it's your turn." God of War spread his hands.

The demon god squinted at him, but still dropped a sunspot.

The two sides come and go on the chessboard. The whole chess game is like a battlefield, full of murderous intent, but it is in a state of balance from beginning to end.

"You are all boring! You can win several times! Why don't you win, why do you keep tying!" the Demon God roared, his eyes were sharp, and he was questioning not only chess, but more things.

"If you win directly, what's the use of God of War?"

The Demon God froze for a moment, then laughed disdainfully: "You are not someone who is greedy for power."

"As long as the demon god is alive, the heavenly world needs a god of war. You and I can learn from each other, and we can also hone each other. In this way, when the real enemy comes, you and I will fit together, and the six realms will obey my orders."

"Are... what are you kidding?"

"Let's play chess." God of War lowered his head to play chess, no longer looking at Demon God.

The devil was stunned.

In the war between the heaven and the demon world, the military power has always been in the hands of the war god and the demon god. The two sides have always maintained a tie in the war. Land wars are not what they used to be.

The God of War and the God of Demons have also been improved in each battle, and both sides have become stronger.

But this kind of power is not enough to unilaterally suppress everyone in the heaven or demon world, but if the two sides fit together, one plus one equals two to the limit, no matter whether it is the heaven or the demon world, there will be no opponents.

"It's your turn." God of War reminded the God of Disorientation.

The Demon God came back to his senses, dropped his voice, and said hoarsely, "What are you planning?"

"When the world is divided for a long time, it must be united; if it is united for a long time, it must be divided."

"speak English."

"This video was taken when she was a star in Mortal Realm."

"Star? What is this?"

"The world calls it a mobile phone."

"Where did it come from?"

"I forgot to tell you that there is a clone in the future. Occasionally, I will communicate with him through dreams, and I get it from him."

"Your mana...has advanced enough to fetch things in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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